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Sheon 2010-01-20 08:08

n900 .aiff
is there anyway to play .aiff audio files on my n900 al my cds are this format

JoOppen 2010-10-28 08:49

Re: n900 .aiff

Originally Posted by Sheon (Post 483737)
is there anyway to play .aiff audio files on my n900 al my cds are this format

It is not elegant, but it works: click on the .aiff file and then choose Media Player from the list of programs that appears after clicking on the .aiff file. The Media Player can play .aiff files.

I am looking for an automatic solution. Dbus switchboard did not provide a solution to me. assining .aiff to mediaplayer as handler had no effect - why, I don' know.


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