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Jamil 2010-01-21 00:12

Calendar widget interface enhancement

I have an interface enhancement idea for the Calendar widget. It's a small thing but it would make the event list easier to read.

I mocked-up how I think the list could be re-coloured and improved.The explanation is on the image.

(Somehow the Nokia Sans font found it's way onto my PC ...)


chemist 2010-01-21 00:30

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
the internating colour set is meant to make it better readable.. you normaly do that with large spread sheets to keep the row while searching linewise... Moved to Applications

Jamil 2010-01-21 01:18

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
Edit: I see that events for 'Today' already have the time alongside them. I must have forgotten that when I made a point of adding it in the mock-up.

But still, changing the colour events dates on other days will still help seperate Today from other days. It will also make it quite clear that you have no more events for Today when there are no 'blue numbers' show.

salah99 2010-01-21 03:30

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
I like your idea!!

Jamil 2010-01-22 13:26

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement

Originally Posted by salah99 (Post 485856)
I like your idea!!

Thanks. I hope one of the developers likes it too.

Kevven 2010-01-22 13:57

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
I see what you did there =) Looks good!

fraaaaanka 2010-01-22 14:56

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
it does look good .... try and get it implemented by logging it as an enhancement to calender in bugzilla then people can vote for it!

timwatt 2010-01-22 15:13

Re: Calendar widget interface enhancement
I like the idea too,
The way to get it added is to get community support through votes so log on: and create a new bug request "bug" as in annoy.

while you are there you can vote for other requests too, i recommend voting for: if you use the calendar ate all.

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