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pitmac 2010-01-21 16:48

Task Management with the N900 and a Macintosh
Which of you as I, miss a clean solution to manage his todos with the N900?

At the moment there is unfortunately still no iSync plugin :(

Therefore, I am looking for another solution to solve the issue to manage my todos from N900 to my Mac.

Has anyone of you manage this or workaround for this to mange his todos?

Preference would be of course a possibility of synchronization with the Macintosh or a webbased solution.


joergen 2010-01-21 17:04

Re: Task Management with the N900 and a Macintosh
You sound mostly like a troll, but anyways, check this out.

Syncs Tasks between iCal and the N900 Calendar just fine.

bbin 2010-01-21 17:18

Re: Task Management with the N900 and a Macintosh
Just tested with my new and shiny mac mini and works like a charm (sans alarms)

pitmac 2010-01-22 17:26

Re: Task Management with the N900 and a Macintosh

Originally Posted by joergen (Post 486965)
You sound mostly like a troll, but anyways, check this out.

Syncs Tasks between iCal and the N900 Calendar just fine.

You know the meaning of "Troll" in german?:rolleyes:

Troll, auch Trold, Tröll (nord. für Unhold, Riese, Zauberwesen), stammt aus der nordischen Mythologie. Trolle sind (als männliche Gegenstücke zur Fee, Elfe oder Hexe) oft schadenbringende Geisterwesen in Riesen- oder Zwergen-Gestalt.

It was not my intention, to instigate a discussion for the discussion's sake.
Since Nokia hasn't offered a solution and I found no solution, I think it is legitimate to ask in a forum, right?


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