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x61 2010-01-24 14:24

N900 wont read memory cards
My N900 suddenly stopped reading memory cards. It first showed the card w+ corrupted then I took out the card and threw it in my N95 and it worked fine. To ensure that the card is indeed good, I threw in a different card and this time nothing showed up. I threw the original card in and nothing show up either. Both cards work flowlessly in both my N95 and my computer.

venusrising 2010-01-24 14:33

Re: N900 wont read memory cards
fixed by deleting contents ad reformating. issue came due to DCIM folder and another file being write protected.

x61 2010-01-24 14:39

Re: N900 wont read memory cards
Why does the contents have to be deleted? Anyways, problem solved.

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