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cgarvie 2010-02-01 20:26

Angry Birds Custom Levels
First off. BIG thanks to Rovio for allowing us to create our own levels ...

This thread came out of this one

so see there for the history. The other thread we are keeping for the editor development and creating this one for custom level discussions

We cant do anything official with the Custom levels yet as there is no easy and impact free method for doing this

The main problem is that the only current way to play the custom levels is to copy over an existing level. Or as we are currently doing, is stealing the Pack2 Slots. However the impact is that any highscore you get on a level will be saved against the real pack 2 when you get it. And in the same way any level you unlock by playing the custom pack2 levels will result in an unlocked real pack 2 level when you come to buy the real expansion. (start subliminal message) AND YOU ALL WILL (end subliminal message)

zehjotkah 2010-02-01 20:29

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
These are outdated instructions!
Please use these simpler instructions for a bigger levelpack:

So I will post the How to here again...

Here is the How-To for installing custom levelpacks for Angry Birds.
Please only do this, if you don't have the official levelpacks installed, because these custom ones will overwrite your bought LevelPacks! For Rovio (the developber of Angry Birds) it is okay if you install custom levelpacks.
If you haven't seen the video yet, here it is again:

First you have to download this file. If you use Windows, then use WinRAR to unpack the file, no need to untar it after. If you've downloaded the file directly to your N900 you can also unpack it there.
Type in the following:

cd /home/user/MyDocs/
tar xzvf custom-release.gz

You will get a mypack folder. Copy this folder to the internal memory of the N900 if you unpacked in windows. Then open X-Terminal (you will need rootsh, as every time) on the N900 an type in the following:

mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

That was all! Easy, isn't it? Now you can start Angry Birds and play the new levels.
Thanks to Rovio for this game, and thanks to cgarvie for this levelpack, and all his effort!

Have fun!

edit: updated levelpack-file

cgarvie 2010-02-01 20:37

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
1 Attachment(s)
EDIT there are now 15 levels. and your best going here

for them. Its much simpler

Ok here are the 10 custom levels so far

up and over
3 little pigs
through the wall
mind the steps
oh piggy where art thou
bounce left right
roll over miss piggy
birdhouse of my soul

See instructions in post above ... Thanks to stobbsc for the levels he contributed.

If more levels appear i will ll or some one else can packge them up as a zipped tar file.

If you are happy for this to happen please say so when you post a level.

If any one needs help just shout. And what id love to see is some feed back on what levels you liked or didnt like.


woussie 2010-02-01 21:44

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?
My two favourite levels from the pack are:

roll over miss piggy: i enjoyed this the most, although it's not very clear where the rolling rock suddenly comes from...
oh piggy where art thou: sneaky level! ;)

Overall i think the single bird levels were the least exciting; since there's only one way to complete the level (and in most levels it's pretty obvious how to)

cgarvie 2010-02-02 05:47

Re: [Maemo 5] Angry Birds Level Editor?

Originally Posted by woussie (Post 505855)
My two favourite levels from the pack are:

roll over miss piggy: i enjoyed this the most, although it's not very clear where the rolling rock suddenly comes from...
oh piggy where art thou: sneaky level! ;)

Overall i think the single bird levels were the least exciting; since there's only one way to complete the level (and in most levels it's pretty obvious how to)

The rolling rock Comes from the Sky. Basically i gave the Rock a y co-ord that was realy big so it takes 30 seconds for it to fall far enough to suddenly appear on screen.

THe single bird levels were more or less me getting on my feet. working out what was what. Plus there were no single bird levels. so i thought it might add a slightly different element.

I do hope to do a few more. but im also trying to install mythtv on a new machine , and thats gonna eat into my time :-)

somekeystrokes 2010-02-02 06:47

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
in the video above its showing the level 3 also to get it??
i have level 2 frm ur instructions above.!
bt how to have level 3?

chase15 2010-02-02 06:52

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels
what do you mean on official pack should be installed? which one is that?

cgarvie 2010-02-02 07:07

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by somekeystrokes (Post 506317)
in the video above its showing the level 3 also to get it??
i have level 2 frm ur instructions above.!
bt how to have level 3?

If you are talking about pack 3 (ie the big number 1 2 and 3 above each of the 21 levels in the pack) Then some people were lucky enought to buy the expansion pack before it was pulled from the OVI store.

The levels ive tarred up. Is a FAKE expansion pack2 to keep people ammused till Ovi gets fixed and people can buy the real pack 2 and 3 for only £3.

So most people dont have anything other than Pack1, more and more people from the download figures are trying out my fake pack2. BUT as i said before this will set highscores and unlock the real pack 2 levels when people manage to buy this

eyokojc 2010-02-02 07:36

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by zehjotkah (Post 505732)
So I will post the How to here again...

Here is the How-To for installing custom levelpacks for Angry Birds.
Please only do this, if you don't have the official levelpacks installed, because these custom ones will overwrite your bought LevelPacks! For Rovio (the developber of Angry Birds) it is okay if you install custom levelpacks.
If you haven't seen the video yet, here it is again:

First you have to download this file. If you use Windows, then use WinRAR to unpack the file. If you've downloaded the file directly to your N900 you can also unpack it there.
Type in the following:

tar xfz /home/user/MyDocs/cag_level_pack.tar.gz

You will get a mypack folder. Copy this folder to the internal memory of the N900 if you unpacked in windows. Then open X-Terminal (you will need rootsh, as every time) on the N900 an type in the following:

mkdir /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2
cp /home/user/MyDocs/mypack/* -R /home/opt/rovio/angrybirds/data/levels/pack2

That was all! Easy, isn't it? Now you can start Angry Birds and play the new levels.
Thanks to Rovio for this game, and thanks to cgarvie for this levelpack, and all his effort!

Have fun!

edit: it seems that youtube has disabled my subtitle file... now it works... strage

Thanks for this zehjotkah.

However, I am a noob, and this is my first time trying to use xterminal on the n900, so please bear with me. I downloaded rootsh and installed it, and was able to get the root command to work, but when i try to unzip the file (i downloaded the file on my n900) using the next command line in your guide, it says "tar: can't open 'z': no such file or directory".

What am i missing here?


zehjotkah 2010-02-02 07:42

Re: Angry Birds Custom Levels

Originally Posted by eyokojc (Post 506353)
Thanks for this zehjotkah.

However, I am a noob, and this is my first time trying to use xterminal on the n900, so please bear with me. I downloaded rootsh and installed it, and was able to get the root command to work, but when i try to unzip the file (i downloaded the file on my n900) using the next command line in your guide, it says "tar: can't open 'z': no such file or directory".

What am i missing here?


try with

tar xfvz /home/user/MyDocs/cag_level_pack.tar.gz
in the next step you also have to copy the files from the unpacked folder... not /mypack

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