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jakiman 2010-02-02 21:16

Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
I've tried to search but couldn't find any mention of it so here goes.

I've noticed that MicroB's browser resolution is usually 800 wide so some sites (such as talk forums) gets all squished up and doesn't look right.

I was wondering if there is a way to force the websites to render at a wider width?
Is there some setting to change the MicroB's width resolution to something else? (such as 1024?)


Workaround #1 -

ggroen 2010-02-02 22:06

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 507521)
I've tried to search but couldn't find any mention of it so here goes.

I've noticed that MicroB's browser resolution is usually 800 wide so some sites (such as talk forums) gets all squished up and doesn't look right.

I was wondering if there is a way to force the websites to render at a wider width?
Is there some setting to change the MicroB's width resolution to something else? (such as 1024?)

I guess you changed your letter size to big, otherwise you would see no small columns? But by clicking on the column you will get a broader view, right? So you want to avoid this click? I must say ihis would be nice, as an option in Micro!

sony123 2010-02-02 22:21

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
I use "Very Large" text and my work-around for is pressing the "Thread Tool" below the thread title, then select "Show Printable Version." This takes you out of the wrapper and you get to choose the pages.

Not a direct answer to your question, though, but hope it helps.

Jkobt 2010-02-02 23:07

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
I don't know if this is what you mean, but when I have pages not showing right, I toggle with the shortcut CTRL-SHIFT-i and play around with the zoom level a bit. Mostly with good end result.

noobmonkey 2010-02-02 23:08

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
not a solution to all, but the dark Maemo theme works fine on the n900 :) :) - removes the need to change the resolution for just this site (Although, you need to be on a pc to change the theme doh!!) :)

jakiman 2010-02-03 06:50

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
Well, I guess you guys do know what I mean.

The browser's virtual width or resolution where the website thinks it needs to fit into. (well, more like the browser's limit)

Some websites stretch much wider than the screen's 800 pixel resolution width.
Some websites like gets all squished into 800 pixel resolution width and doesn't go any bigger.

Can't we change this at all?

ToJa92 2010-02-03 06:54

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 508026)
Some websites like gets all squished into 800 pixel resolution width and doesn't go any bigger.

Can't we change this at all?

Probably the stylesheet used is stretching itself to the width of the screen, which leads to problems like this. I can only think of two solutions, either change stylesheet(well, that only works on or zoom in/out to fix it. Or look for a mobile version of the site.

Helmuth 2010-02-03 09:06

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
I have a very similar problem with google maps. The developer understand the zooming as a resize and moving of the browser window. Not a zooming as it is.

For this I've created a bug report, but it was rejected. It's a browser feature, not a bug. 6577 :)

jakiman 2010-04-12 10:00

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
Okay. Bit of a thread revival just to see if anyone had similar wish as me.
To be able to specify a fixed "virtual" width to the MicroB browser. (such as 1024 instead of 800)

steve4130 2010-04-12 17:52

Re: Changing MicroB browser width resolution.
I'm not sure if it's this "virtual" width of 800 pixels that is causing this issue, but doesn't display correctly in any of the N900's various browsers (MicroB, Firefox, IceWeasel). The left of the page is always missing.
Anyone have any idea's how to get it to display properly?

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