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That One Guy 2010-02-03 23:37

Is it just my N900 that disconnects Bluetooth headsets when on WiFi?
As soon as I switch my data connection from 3G to the WiFi router at my house, my bluetooth headset disconnects, and stays disconnected till I switch connections back to 3G.


b666m 2010-02-03 23:43

Re: Is it just my N900 that does this?
i don't have a bluetooth headset....

but afaik the wifi and bluetooth is one single chip which could cause problems if you want to use both functions.

EDIT: there seem to be some problems with bluetooth ->

tirtawn 2010-02-04 16:40

Re: Is it just my N900 that does this?
Not weird, some router 802.11b have a known problem to interfere with bluetooth since both of them are using the same freq 2.4Ghz

qbert 2010-02-04 17:00

Re: Is it just my N900 that does this?
As b666m said, bluetooth and WiFi are controled by the same component in N900. Also they are using the same antenna in phone. That`s the case in most Nokia phones.

Andre Klapper 2010-02-04 17:18

Re: Is it just my N900 that does this?
Please edit the summary to be useful as "this" is not a proper description of your problem. ;-)

sjgadsby 2010-02-04 17:20

Re: Is it just my N900 that does this?

Originally Posted by Andre Klapper (Post 510675)
Please edit the summary to be useful as "this" is not a proper description of your problem.

Thread title expanded.

rewt 2010-02-04 18:25

Re: Is it just my N900 that disconnects Bluetooth headsets when on WiFi?
Try to enable bluetooth coexistence mode on the WiFi chip...

In x-term:

sudo gainroot
echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/wl12xx/bt_coex_mode

This will have to be redone after each reboot of the device, if you find it to be a successful fix.

This (at least under some circumstances) gets set to 2 by default periodically, when BT and WLAN are both used. 0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = monoaudio. If you manually override, it's very possible your value will get changed by even before a reboot. I'm going to peek at the wl12xx sources to try to determine what exactly monoaudio mode does compared to just a value of on.

Update 2:
The difference between 1 (on) and 2 (monoaudio) is the wake up interval - for monoaudio, it is 5800ms longer (on is 500ms). The wake up interval appears to be a worst case value, and the BT radio should be given permission to transmit prior to that time when possible.

jt777 2010-04-17 19:39

Re: Is it just my N900 that disconnects Bluetooth headsets when on WiFi?
I have the same problem with my Nokia N900. Everytime I turn wifi on and start going to a website, my bluetooth headset automatically disconnects for a little bit and then reconnects. I had an htc phone and it would do the same thing. Not sure what the problem is, but I have asked several people and no one seems to know the answer to it.:(

Alex Atkin UK 2010-04-17 23:52

Re: Is it just my N900 that disconnects Bluetooth headsets when on WiFi?

Originally Posted by jt777 (Post 615137)
I have the same problem with my Nokia N900. Everytime I turn wifi on and start going to a website, my bluetooth headset automatically disconnects for a little bit and then reconnects. I had an htc phone and it would do the same thing. Not sure what the problem is, but I have asked several people and no one seems to know the answer to it.:(

But the "problem" has already been explained above.

hasan 2011-03-24 01:29

Re: Is it just my N900 that disconnects Bluetooth headsets when on WiFi?
Bluetooth uses the same frequency as wifi. Try changing the channel on your router. If you cannot do so then you SOL. I had the same issue at work, but when I came home it worked fine. Difference was that at my work place there were several Access Points that had channels probably overlaping with the bluetooth.

So try changing the channels. I recommend channel 11 on the router. In the shell I had a ping running to When I hit a channel that gave me the lowest ping and the least packet loss, I left it at those settings.

To verify that the problem was resolved, I simply played an mp3 on the N900 that was streaming to my headset and then I started websurfing, youtube and so on. All the while that my skype was connected as well.

I have the N900 with PR 1.3. I actually put the power kernel on it. My N900 is overclocked at 850. Everything is super snappy... :)!

Love this phone... am really looking forward to Nokia's Microsoft venture. Hoepfully it will bring out something new.

- H

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