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egoshin 2010-02-10 20:26

extras-devel broken again?
Is Extras-devel broken again?

My apt-get and HAM think so the second day:

W: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch

egoshin 2010-02-11 01:05

Re: extras-devel broken again?
Thank you, Mr.Guru.

Erminaz 2010-02-14 19:11

Re: extras-devel broken again?
same problem. solve?


apt-get autoclean

mymybib 2010-02-15 07:59

Re: extras-devel broken again?
apt-get autoclean don't work for me.

I still have Hash Sum mismatch on extra-devel.

kevinstuff 2010-02-16 21:17

Re: extras-devel broken again?

Originally Posted by Erminaz (Post 526257)
same problem. solve?


apt-get autoclean

I get 'could not get lock message'
is this whats stopping my downloads?

zerocool2k 2010-11-13 00:01

Re: extras-devel broken again?
I got "hash sum mismatch" just now for both extras-devel and extras-testing. Anyone has the same problem?

quingu 2010-11-13 11:22

Re: extras-devel broken again?

Originally Posted by kevinstuff (Post 530625)
I get 'could not get lock message'
is this whats stopping my downloads?

That's because you still have application manager open in the background. Close any instance of appmanager or fapman, then gainroot and proceed with apt-get.

Whoa, sorry. That quoted post is, like, aeons old. Didn't mean to gravedig.

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