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byte_76 2010-02-11 19:19

Palm WebOS on N900
Is it possible to get the Palm WebOS to run on the N900?

Is the hardware of the Palm Pre similar to the N900 or would the kernel and other components of the WebOS require lots of modification?

Just interested to play around with WebOS which is another system that is fairly good at multi-tasking and has some interesting functionality.

Stskeeps 2010-02-11 19:23

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I tried for fun one lazy evening but it failed miserably. There's one big binary blob that's not very easy to diagnose on what goes wrong with it.

Addison 2010-02-12 05:52

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Thanks for the attempt, Stskeeps!

Your effort alone earned my respect. :)

byte_76 2010-02-12 11:55

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I agree, trying is better than nothing. If I had any idea of what to do I'd be trying as well because I think like all the other alternatives projects, it would be interesting to play around with WebOS on N900's awesome hardware.

It's great how so many other operating systems have run on N900 already.

Anyone else got any idea how to get WebOS running on N900?

amarjyoti 2010-02-13 03:24

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I love the palm webOS too. I would have been cool if we could have gotten it running.
Palm gives out the open source programs they have used with the patches. It may be a nice idea to compile it with Mer and then try to get the other binaries work. Just a thought. :-)

Addison 2010-02-13 03:30

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
I believe I need Palm OS to be able to run an app called UptoDate.

Because this isn't featured on the tablet, I'm force to carry another device with me.

Oh well. It would be nice to have but it's not that upsetting. :)

byte_76 2010-02-13 06:50

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Thanks amarjyoti, that could be quite useful.

Anybody able to assist us here?

Lazarpandar 2010-02-13 07:00

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by Stskeeps (Post 521733)
I tried for fun one lazy evening but it failed miserably. There's one big binary blob that's not very easy to diagnose on what goes wrong with it.

I don't trust anyone whose been thanked on average 3x per post.

neatojones 2010-02-13 07:02

Re: Palm WebOS on N900

Originally Posted by Lazarpandar (Post 524330)
I don't trust anyone whose been thanked on average 3x per post.

This is a joke, right?!?

Addison 2010-02-13 07:09

Re: Palm WebOS on N900
Stskeeps has a huge brain.

Maybe you should read his posts before making such a comment. :)

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