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whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 08:42

[Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper
I would have thought that many people would have been using and discussing Maemo Mapper. I just can't seem to find any recent threads on it.

Please point me in the right direction.

Fargus 2010-02-14 08:52

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I believe you will find that it is no longer being developed. I heard that the developer had been hired by Google.

whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 08:54

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
Even though it has just been ported to Maemo 5?

ggroen 2010-02-14 09:51

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
Google Maps misses downloading facilities so you can,t navigate as soon as the network is gone. They could use his skills!!
I have installed Maemo Mapper on my N900 and the UI is done very nicely. You can find it here:

I did not try all fuctions, but the basic fumction, showimg your position on the map, worksfine, zooming is fast. I used MM on my N810 and the menus are more or less the same, so parts of the UI are not adjusted to Maemo 5 standards. They work fine though, as far as I can tell. Flite is a program that is missing by now, so you can't use 'spoken directions' to navigate. In that field you should not expect much, just a line on the map. Right now it is far better than OVI maps , that lacks any advanced fumctions above showing where you are on the map. I would give it a try!

whats_up_skip 2010-02-14 09:59

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I have been using it, and you are right it is way better than Ovi maps on the N900. I have some questions, but if there is not going to be any further development or support then I wonder if I should be looking for other solutions.

Mainly I am trying to understand how to specify which maps (areas) I want to download for offline use.

ggroen 2010-02-14 16:20

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?
I have a dead end there. Can't specify a database repository in 'management repository'that will do to enter the needed 'management maps'. In my case a popup says the rep db isn't valid. In my N810 it worked fine. In management maps you can specify number of zoomsteps to download and view. And yuo can specify the area by coördinates of the corners. Never used that, because you could just look at an area on the map with automatic download maps on to store the data. I seem only to be able to use openstreet maps, no hybrid maps? So it really isn't finished!

francisco_barahona 2010-03-07 21:51

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by ggroen (Post 525769)
Google Maps misses downloading facilities so you can,t navigate as soon as the network is gone. They could use his skills!!
I have installed Maemo Mapper on my N900 and the UI is done very nicely. You can find it here:

I did not try all fuctions, but the basic fumction, showimg your position on the map, worksfine, zooming is fast. I used MM on my N810 and the menus are more or less the same, so parts of the UI are not adjusted to Maemo 5 standards. They work fine though, as far as I can tell. Flite is a program that is missing by now, so you can't use 'spoken directions' to navigate. In that field you should not expect much, just a line on the map. Right now it is far better than OVI maps , that lacks any advanced fumctions above showing where you are on the map. I would give it a try!

I tried to install maemo-mapper on my new N900 and lib.... is missing. I used the link from
Is there an easy way for the N900?

v13 2010-03-07 22:14

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by francisco_barahona (Post 559158)
I tried to install maemo-mapper on my new N900 and lib.... is missing. I used the link from
Is there an easy way for the N900?

It is available in extras-testing. It is now named "mapper" because there are trademark issues with the word "maemo".

francisco_barahona 2010-03-08 02:04

Re: Maemo Mapper where are the N900 threads?

Originally Posted by v13 (Post 559169)
It is available in extras-testing. It is now named "mapper" because there are trademark issues with the word "maemo".

I went there and tried to install with no luck. Is there an easy way to install it? Thanks

REMFwhoopitydo 2010-03-08 10:25

Re: [Maemo 5] Maemo Mapper - Where are the N900 threads?
i'm delighted for the developer, but it leaves users wanting maemo-mapper on there n900 in a bit of a pickle. :)

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