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jwittema 2010-02-17 11:18

[Announce] BatteryGraph
1 Attachment(s)
I wrote a program BatteryGraph for monitoring battery status on a Nokia N900.

BatteryGraph will monitor the battery statistics and shows the results in a graph. Also monitors average cpu load and network connection.

It's available for download from
(I'm trying to get it in the maemo extras repository)
EDIT: it is now available in Extras-testing and Extras.

As this is the first release the usual warnings apply, installing this program may harm your device in many ways (though it is running fine on my N900 :) )

All comments are welcome

Changelog v 0.3.2 - 2010 April 8
  • Changed fullscreen toggle to double click and menu option
  • Added option to configure drawing of charging bars
  • Small layout changes for upcoming Qt4.6

Changelog v 0.3.1 - 2010 March 28
  • Added option to export entire graph to png image file

Changelog v 0.3.0 - 2010 March 17
  • Changed background daemon to record battery status only on change instead of regular interval
  • Changed background daemon to record network connection status, charging status and average cpu load as well
  • Changed graph to display the new data sources (network connection, charging, cpuload)
  • Changed grid layout
  • Added kinetic scrolling
  • Added option to choose zoomfactor
  • Added option to disable/enable showing cpu load, network connection and charging status
  • Added preferences screen
  • Added option to limit maximum age of database records
  • Added option to select scrollback history size
  • Added option to configure colors of the different graph elements
  • Added option to configure cpu load scale
  • Optimized graph drawing code for kinetic scrolling performance
  • Rearranged main screen layout
  • Lots of small changes

Changelog v 0.2.2 - 2010 February 21
  • Added option to move forwards/backwards in time by clicking on the right/left side of the graph (clicking in the center will toggle fullscreen)
  • Added minimum and maximum value for voltage and charge in the graph
  • Added database statistics

nibbles 2010-02-17 12:21

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
very cool , will be incredibly useful, not sure if this much but if you could capture the 'top' information at that time in the log's or a way of seeing when certain process's where started. It would be cool to see the 30% battery drop in a time period was also in the period you started media player for example.

Corwin 2010-02-17 13:19

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
Sorry to spam, but if you like it, click 'Thanks' under jwittemas post :)

Spotfist 2010-02-21 10:34

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
where can i download? link is broke :(

jwittema 2010-02-21 15:00

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
Released a new version today with some updates.
Download from (for now)

I have uploaded it to extras-devel, but I'm not listed as the package maintainer (still pending :confused:) so I cannot promote it to testing.
Anyone knows how to fix that? See

Changelog 0.2.2-1
  • Added option to move forwards/backwards in time by clicking on the right/left side of the graph (clicking in the center will toggle fullscreen)
  • Added minimum and maximum value for voltage and current in the graph
  • Added database statistics

gohan2091 2010-02-21 18:43

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
What's the difference between this and battery eye? Which is better?

ndi 2010-02-21 21:12

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
Didn't get battery graph, but i use battery-eye and it's very nice, better graph, one graph per detail (voltage, percent, mAh estimate), eats zero battery and the graph can be swooped back about a week or so ago. Kinetic scrolled and everything. Zero issues.

jwittema 2010-02-22 11:13

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
BatteryGraph version 0.2.2-1 is now in Extras-testing. You can vote for it here.

juise- 2010-02-23 12:03

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph

Originally Posted by jwittema (Post 531878)
I wrote a program BatteryGraph for monitoring battery status on a Nokia N900.

I was going to suggest that there used to be a similarly named app for Palm OS a long time ago. But it seems that it's made by you also.

I am currently developing quite similar app called battery-eye, and I must admit that it is inspired by a vague memory that I used to have something similar on my Palm m500 several years ago... ;)

Mr. Incredible 2010-02-23 14:28

Re: [Announce] BatteryGraph
I'm also using battery-eye. It runs without problems and is pretty nice.

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