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Khertan 2010-02-18 08:26

VectorMine available in extras-testing
VectorMine is a Vectrex MineStorm clone.

It s available in extras-testing.
And it s an 1 euros shareware. As ovi store doesn t allow us developper to put paid game, you can register it on :

sxg75 2010-02-18 21:22

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
From what I've read today on various tweeds, Nokia has dropped the 50-Euros hurdle exlusicely for N900 developers that are eager to publish via Ovistore. There's some nokiaguy-interview at MWC posted on the tube recently. Dunno if it's also posted officially anywhere.
2nd edit: source

Khertan 2010-02-22 13:10

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing

For for inform me of that, i didn't know.

But the problem wasn't the 50E but that they require a VAT Number which my company didn't have.


VDVsx 2010-02-22 17:23

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
Nice, you should contact the py2deb maintainers seems that the scripts have some bugs, these two fields aren't well constructed: XSBC-Bugtracker, XB-Maemo-Display-Name, then the package interface and dpkg fail to read them.

twaelti 2010-02-22 17:40

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
Valerio...that's Khertan himself :-)

F2thaK 2010-02-23 03:17

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
nice game, but the sound when u move is terribly loud and obnoxious

Khertan 2010-02-23 06:33

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
Oh you didn't like the sound ? As i try to make one which are a bit the same as the original game ...

Anyway i ll try to improve that.

Ps: yes i m the maintainer of py2deb ... but i use now pypackager :) which is a merge of py2deb and the old pypackager :)

But if you look into the control file of the .deb the two field are well constructed. At lesat in the last package version. It seems there is some cache and read it from the last package version. I also notice that it read it in i386 package when you are viewing armel package.

F2thaK 2010-02-23 06:39

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing
the sound is fine, just waay too loud :D cheers

Khertan 2010-02-23 07:04

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing

as you can see VectorMine is promoted and still not in extras-testing for the armel version ... :(

VDVsx 2010-02-23 11:44

Re: VectorMine available in extras-testing

Originally Posted by Khertan (Post 542186)

as you can see VectorMine is promoted and still not in extras-testing for the armel version ... :(

No, the fields aren't correct:

XSBC-Bugtracker: mailto:xxxx
XB-Maemo-Display-Name: VectorMine

That's correct for the control file before the dpkg parse.

After the dpkg parse should be:

Bugtracker: mailto:xxxxx
Maemo-Display-Name: VectorMine

Look at this package for example:

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