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direx 2010-02-18 21:42

Problem with setting up IPv6
Yesterday I wanted to connect to a wireless network with my N900. Unfortunately this was an IPv6-only network.
I haven't figured out how to configure IPv6 on the N900 yet, maybe someone can give me a hint. I've already looked at the kernel modules, but "ipv6" seems to be missing. Is there any repo I have to add?

Thanks in advance!

mooninite 2010-02-19 04:49

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
There is no IPv6 support unless you compile a custom kernel.

direx 2010-02-20 13:15

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6

Originally Posted by mooninite (Post 535975)
There is no IPv6 support unless you compile a custom kernel.

This is definitely very sad. Even my old Symbian phone supported IPv6.
Compiling a custom kernel for the N900 is not an option at all (I do that for my desktop machines, but x-compiling and that kinda stuff is a pain in the butt).

I hope this is gonna change in PR 1.2. There is no need for an UI ATM, as this an advanced option. But a kernel module and IPv6-aware userspace (busybox) would definitely be nice - it's just a matter of configuring build parameters.

direx 2010-03-02 14:39

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
If anyone else is interested in this: I found out that IPv6 is provided by extra kernel modules.
See for more information.

R-R 2010-05-04 04:05

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
It's even weirder considering this:

At least someone is apparently working on it:

I don't know why wifi and 3G are separate though once you get a network driver ...

Texrat 2010-05-04 04:26

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
Supposedly IPv4 exhausts addresses next year... :eek:

juise- 2010-05-04 10:47

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6

Originally Posted by Texrat (Post 641794)
Supposedly IPv4 exhausts addresses next year... :eek:

IPv4 has been supposedly exhausting the next year for several years now. When I first started using IPv6 at my home (~6 years ago), that was the primary reason.. evidenced by the fact that my ISP then only gave me NATted v4 connectivity.

But indeed, IPv6 by default would be nice, I think I actually had that working already on an N810.


Originally Posted by direx (Post 552496)
If anyone else is interested in this: I found out that IPv6 is provided by extra kernel modules. See for more information.

Did anyone try the IPv6 with this? Does it "just work" with the new kernel, or does it require something else?

hsmade 2010-08-03 11:23

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
I did, it works out of the box. You need to install the tools like iproute and such to configure tunnels though.
I've used aiccu to get my SixXS tunnel working. I needed to compile it on scratchbox first as the debian armel package didn't want to install. You can find the deb package for N900 here: After creating a valid config file, it works out of the box.

Netweaver 2010-08-03 13:33

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
Following your lead I registered myself at SixXS, got accepted and after requesting a tunnel I would like to start testing.
But I have problems installing your aiccu deb file.

How did you install it ? What repos did you enable ? apt-get always sees dependencies but refuses to install them. When I try it manually, it seems other dependencies but again it refuses. Any hand you can give here ?


edit: Can you also include a (cleaned) version of your aiccu config file and how you use it ? Startup ? Manual/deamon etc ... ? If I can get it working I wouldn't mind putting all info in the SixXS wiki, for the greater good of the N900 community.

hsmade 2010-08-03 13:44

Re: Problem with setting up IPv6
I might have used extras-devel, but at least extras-testing.

Config (/etc/aiccu.conf):
username xxxx-SIXXS
password xxxxxx
protocol tic
ipv6_interface sixxs
tunnel_id Txxxx
verbose true
daemonize true
automatic true
requiretls false

I start it by hand, but you could write a script to do it automatically using /etc/network/interfaces and the post-up command. I'm discussing with SixXS whether or not they want it in their download section.

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