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meme 2010-02-20 16:37

how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
how do you tab, right click, highlight items in n900 browser?

ToJa92 2010-02-20 16:43

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
Each tab is a different window so press the menu button so you get to the active applications and there you see everything. If you want to 'right-click' press and hold on an object, and a menu will pop up. About highlighting I'm not sure.

tape_ape 2010-02-20 16:48

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?

Originally Posted by meme (Post 538627)
how do you tab, right click, highlight items in n900 browser?

i think the tab you mean is control-i

cddiede 2010-02-20 16:50

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
Drag your stylus or finger in just outside the lower left hand corner of the bezel to the screen in the web browser. You are now in Mouse Pointer mode and will remain that way until you lift up your finger/stylus and click on something.

While in mouse pointer mode the lower left hand corner will have a mouse pointer icon, you can click this icon to lock mouse pointer mode on.

In mouse pointer mode you can the press the CTRL key on the keyboard to issue left mouse clicks. You can hold down this key while dragging the mouse pointer to highlight items and text just like in a desktop browser. You can then hit CTRL-C, CTRL-V, CTRL-X to copy, paste, and cut.

meme 2010-02-20 16:50

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 538636)
Each tab is a different window so press the menu button so you get to the active applications and there you see everything. If you want to 'right-click' press and hold on an object, and a menu will pop up. About highlighting I'm not sure.

is there copy/paste between applications?

cddiede 2010-02-20 16:52

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?

Originally Posted by meme (Post 538645)
is there copy/paste between applications?

Yes. The text clipboard is shared across the entire OS, just like on a desktop Operating System.

benny1967 2010-02-20 17:12

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
does this video help you?

meme 2010-02-20 23:21

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?

Originally Posted by tape_ape (Post 538642)
i think the tab you mean is control-i

I meant tabbing through html input fields. There is no tab button in the keyboard. How do you achieve this in the keyboard?

davide 2010-03-08 00:09

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
how hard sometimes learning is!!

tip: go to the left-bottom of the screen and drag the pointer from the left(outside the active screen) to the right(inside te active screen)

Neegs 2010-03-08 10:47

Re: how do you right click, highlight select item in browser?
i think he means tabbing through fields e.g. on a input form going from first name to second name field.

I would like to know this as we, logging into some sites requires a fair few fields which are interrupted by having to press the screen to jump a field

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