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nicholas 2010-02-22 18:48

N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
A couple of days ago started drawing flickering 'shadows' to the left of any screen items.

It is OK when the screen 'wakes up' after been black for a while, or off. But by the time it's booted, the flicking has started, and then soon it's very heavy (as in the photo.)

Does anyone know any current places to find replacement LCDs? Might it be the LCD that is broken, or something else?

It's two years old now.

Darius2006 2010-02-22 22:11

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
does it work both in GUI and in text mode ( Xterm, MC) ?

nicholas 2010-02-22 23:39

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
Hi Darius2006,


Originally Posted by Darius2006 (Post 541815)
does it work both in GUI and in text mode ( Xterm, MC) ?

I don't know of any text mode? I've just tested with osso_xterm in 'full screen', but that's still an X app.

The same happens when that's full screen. Is there a pure-text mode somewhere?

luca 2010-02-22 23:55

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
Welcome to the club :( (though it happened with the screen cold rather than warm).
It's difficult to find the screen now and it's probably much cheaper to buy an n800/n810 from ebay.

icebox 2010-02-23 12:28

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
A friend had the same problem, tried reseating the connectors, etc didn't work. Only a replacement screen (germany I think) fixed it. We wanted but forgot to actually open the lcd and see if it's fixable...

nicholas 2010-02-23 13:10

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
My local Nokia Service Centre is checking if they can get a new LCD, and if so, how much it would cost. Looks like ebay is about £90 for an N800 and £120 for N810 at the moment...

nicholas 2010-02-26 17:04

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up

Originally Posted by nicholas (Post 542594)
My local Nokia Service Centre is checking if they can get a new LCD, and if so, how much it would cost. Looks like ebay is about £90 for an N800 and £120 for N810 at the moment...

They got back to me (after a little chase) and they quoted £145 for a new LCD.

luca 2010-02-26 20:10

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
You could search for n800 4850991 (that's the part number) to see if you can find it cheaper, but I doubt it.

kudos1uk 2010-03-01 00:18

Re: N800 screen has 'shadow' lines when warmed up
one on ebay now buy-it-now £95 plus £5 delivery.

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