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danx 2010-02-22 19:55

lie detector app . can it work ?
Just wondering . if it can tune a instrument . it could work right ? just throwing ideas out there.

ColdFusion 2010-02-22 20:02

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
better work on your people skills ;)

Thesandlord 2010-02-22 20:04

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
What can? it can possibly track inflections in voice, but its not exactly going to be very accurate. You need many data sources like pulse and sweat etc.

danx 2010-02-22 20:04

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
I like mentalist ..??

danx 2010-02-22 20:07

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
I HEARD.,, that your voice has a different tones when you lie , do to being nervous .. would be nice. I say a program online that it can be used on a laptop.. .

inidrog 2010-02-22 20:10

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
No. (i had to use at least 10 characters)

qwerty12 2010-02-22 20:26

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
Yes. (See what I did there?)

AndrewG 2010-02-22 20:27

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
lol .

quingu 2010-11-11 19:19

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?

Originally Posted by danx (Post 541620)
Just wondering . if it can tune a instrument . it could work right ? just throwing ideas out there.

You could get approx. 50% hit quota by using a random number algorithm. Just throwing another idea out there.

Or you could check wikipedia. If the "real deal" doesn't even work, how would a cellphone program?

extendedping 2010-11-11 19:33

Re: lie detector app . can it work ?
Yes absolutely it can work, without a doubt...


Oops. sorry I can't take the electrical shocks any more..

No its basically got no chance...

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