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redhotfoo 2010-02-27 04:48

[REQUEST] Automatic display brightness depending on lightsituation
hey folks.

it is possible to use the front camera as luxmeter ("luxury"). how about using this luxmeter to adjust the brightness of the display? the battery could run longer.


Dinho 2010-02-27 04:50

Re: [REQUEST] Automatic display brightness depending on lightsituation
what's wrong with the ambient light sensor?

alexei 2010-02-27 06:53

Re: [REQUEST] Automatic display brightness depending on lightsituation
yeah, I think the phone does that already...

redhotfoo 2010-02-27 09:22

Re: [REQUEST] Automatic display brightness depending on lightsituation
Didnt know that. Where can I change the settings?

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