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Aranel 2010-02-27 12:20

Need help: One logo and 2 buttons for local Maemo website

I need a logo and 2 buttons for our local Maemo website (MeeGo Turkey) I am really bad at Photoshop so any help will be appreciated.

Here's our template now:

The logo:
Dimensions: 171px × 80px

Left Button:
Dimensions: 88px x 110px
Text: "Türkçe Maemo 5 paketini indirin!"
(English: "Download Turkish Maemo 5 package!")
* A button redirects to instructions about downloading turkish-l10n (Turkish localization) package.

Right Button:
Dimensions: 88px x 110px
Text: "Nokia N900 incelemesini okuyun!"
(English: "Read our Nokia N900 review!")
* A button redirects to N900 review.


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