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sebastiano 2010-03-06 02:53

puredata for maemo 5
Hello, do anybody have any sucess running Pda on a n900 with maemo 5?
i ve read that people can run it on os2008, but im trying on maemo 5 without luck, the app opens well , and when i activate the ESD option the apps works but with no sound, when i say the app works i mean that it can make computations and also the signals are working(i can make snapshots~ and see the signal numbers) but it cannot make any sound. Any idea? does it need special configuration? Ive read that ESD is the primarly sound server, but i dont know why doesnt make sound, the wierd thing is that it seems that is working, i can see the signal flows, but no sound!! any idea?



bousch 2010-10-02 12:46

Re: puredata for maemo 5
1 Attachment(s)
Maybe a bit late to revive this thread but I managed to compile pd-vanilla om my n900. Sound (alsa) does work but only at a samplerate of 11025 and with a delay of 600 msec.

I read on the pd mailinglist that they are working on better sound.

Sometimes after using pd I have to reboot my device because maemo cannot make any sound anymore though.

This is Pd version 0.42-6

richtcello 2010-10-31 17:49

Re: puredata for maemo 5

Originally Posted by bousch (Post 831560)
Maybe a bit late to revive this thread but I managed to compile pd-vanilla om my n900. Sound (alsa) does work but only at a samplerate of 11025 and with a delay of 600 msec.

I read on the pd mailinglist that they are working on better sound.

Sometimes after using pd I have to reboot my device because maemo cannot make any sound anymore though.

This is Pd version 0.42-6

I've had a couple of goes at compiling pd and haven't been able to get the dependencies for all the packages without getting in a mess with debian modules, would you be able to let me know how you did it, please?

thanks very much

Xagoln 2010-11-01 11:12

Re: puredata for maemo 5
Please keep me in the loop ;) with this or any other pocket studio/synthesis possibilities for n900. I know there are a few that will work under Debian...

I had hoped SuperCollider would work as it is lightweight and uses a textmode interface (last I saw it, anyway) but the someone asked about n900s on the SC mailing list and there were no responses.

Xagoln 2011-02-16 13:18

Re: puredata for maemo 5
Wow, why did nobody tell me about SuperVox for Maemo before?

This program really rocks!!

Download from, unpack and then install the package from the sunvox/maemo/ directory.

With PR1.3, the dependency on libgles1 is already satisfied, so no need to download anything else.

TiagoTiago 2011-03-01 02:16

Re: puredata for maemo 5
It has been requested before

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