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nielsvg 2010-03-06 15:02

how to install scripts? noobie question?

i'm trying to understand x-terminal and i want to cleanup my rootfs memory with help of the wiki on the site:

in this wiki they say:

This script will move some unnecessary files on rootfs to /home/opt/ to free up space on rootfs.

First, create a file, for example, containing this script:

But with what program do i create this file? i tried it in notes and then saved it under .sh but it was still a note and offcourse it didnt work in x-terminal?

can someone please help me understeand scripts?

b666m 2010-03-06 15:20

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 557884)
But with what program do i create this file? i tried it in notes and then saved it under .sh but it was still a note and offcourse it didnt work in x-terminal?

for example:

nielsvg 2010-03-06 15:24

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by b666m (Post 557900)

maybe an english site?

i only understand sturm der liebe:)

b666m 2010-03-06 15:30

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 557903)
maybe an english site?

i only understand sturm der liebe:)

oh, sorry... xD

(you just had to change "de" to "uk" ^^)

nielsvg 2010-03-06 15:31

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by b666m (Post 557906)
oh, sorry... xD

(you just had to change "de" to "uk" ^^)

hehehe i didnt seen that:D thx mate

nielsvg 2010-03-06 15:32

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?
so i have to install this on my pc and make the script there and then transfer it to n900?

b666m 2010-03-06 15:45

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 557908)
so i have to install this on my pc and make the script there and then transfer it to n900?

you could even just use the editor or wordpad but the syntax highlighting is very comfortable. :)
(especially if you want to understand what the script is doing and how it is doing)

copy&paste it. save it with .sh extension. copy it on your n900. open xterm. get root rights (install rootsh and type "sudo gainroot") make it executable with "chmod +x" and then just run it with "." or "sh".

BUT: please be aware... if you don't know what the script is doing exactly.. it could lead to some problems... if not right now - then maybe in the futuere (next update or so)

nielsvg 2010-03-06 15:57

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by b666m (Post 557916)
you could even just use the editor or wordpad but the syntax highlighting is very comfortable. :)
(especially if you want to understand what the script is doing and how it is doing)

copy&paste it. save it with .sh extension. copy it on your n900. open xterm. get root rights (install rootsh and type "sudo gainroot") make it executable with "chmod +x" and then just run it with "." or "sh".

BUT: please be aware... if you don't know what the script is doing exactly.. it could lead to some problems... if not right now - then maybe in the futuere (next update or so)

thanks i will try this. I know it could lead to problems but there is a wiki that i can use so normally nothing can go wrong???

b666m 2010-03-06 16:27

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?

Originally Posted by nielsvg (Post 557919)
thanks i will try this. I know it could lead to problems but there is a wiki that i can use so normally nothing can go wrong???

it's an open wiki.
anybody can write in it.
nasty people could even abuse this fact.

nielsvg 2010-03-07 13:35

Re: how to install scripts? noobie question?
i made it with the program notepad++ and i transfer it to my phone in documents and then i type in terminal after rootacces: chmod +x move-opt-sh and then it says there is no such file with this name???

can anyone help?

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