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PipBoyBSOD 2010-03-08 15:34

Mech Commander to N900 possible?
I was wondering if this game was open source, or whether it was only mechcommander 2 that was.

looking at the intro video of MC, its clear that the Davion guards could have been using N900s to control their mechs.

someone show me how, and i will do this....

clasificado 2010-03-08 17:29

Re: Mech Commander to N900 possible?
AFAIK, its a pc i386 windows 98 closed source game.

its a no-go, directly unportable.

we may have luck with wine, but its not ported neither

there are several games in the same list waiting for wine :D

harp 2010-03-10 00:10

Re: Mech Commander to N900 possible?
Mech Commander 2 is open source. But I wouldn't hold my breath for WINE.

shinkamui 2010-03-11 02:26

Re: Mech Commander to N900 possible?
lol, running an x86 game that had steeper cisc requirements than our arm device in wine? I hope you weren't expecting it to be PLAYABLE. :-D

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