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felbutss 2010-03-19 04:17

[Proposal pending] open camera switch opens selection menu
Hey guys.

Every time I need to use the ‘Flashlight’ app I have to open the camera cover then close the camera app and then open ‘flashlight’.

Is there a way when I open the camera cover to bring down a option menu to select the camera/flashlight or QIK app to use??????? Would be really really handy. What do you guys think?

peio 2010-03-19 08:40

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
I agree, this is a super idea

felbutss 2010-03-20 08:49

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
sux no1 is interested. the camera and flash are no longer just for pictures anymore.

arono 2010-03-20 21:31

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
I would want that too but for having a barcode reader option

felbutss 2010-03-21 08:09

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
i want something like quick launcher where you can choose your apps.

F2thaK 2010-03-21 08:31

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
you could always leave camera lens open, that way flashlight app is always visible in status menu, and camera is always ready to shoot

felbutss 2010-03-21 10:27

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 575568)
you could always leave camera lens open, that way flashlight app is always visible in status menu, and camera is always ready to shoot

would rather have it closed lol.

gobuki 2010-03-21 10:35

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu

Originally Posted by f2thak (Post 575568)
you could always leave camera lens open, that way flashlight app is always visible in status menu, and camera is always ready to shoot

... and your camera lens is always exposed to dust and can be damaged by objects. :confused: No good idea. You could also propose he should take a separate flashlight with him, that would be as helpful.

I like the idea of an option menu. Maybe it could have an open plugin like architecture. So that other apps can add a button to it.
So one could choose what he wants to do with the camera when the cover is opened. The buttons could be: Start default foto/video application, start mbarcode and a flashlight togglebutton.

peio 2010-03-21 14:07

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
What about:

- if device locked => opening the lens launches flashlight
- if device unlocked => it opens the camera app

antoarts 2010-03-21 14:17

Re: [Sandbox] open camera switch opens selection menu
The simplest solution would be to have an option in the settigns menu to choose whatever or not you want to open the camera app when you slid open the lens cover. You can still activate the camera by clicking the camera button.

Having a menu is still nicer, but more complicated to implement...

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