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me2000 2010-03-19 21:04

Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
I am wondering if KDE apps are going to run on Meego or if they could be made to run on it.

Meego is based on Qt. KDE is based on Qt. Do KDE apps (amarok, etc) need KDE or just Qt ? If they need KDE, would it be possible to build KDE for Meego and then run KDE apps ?


penguinbait 2010-03-19 21:11

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?

Originally Posted by me2000 (Post 573942)
I am wondering if KDE apps are going to run on Meego or if they could be made to run on it.

Meego is based on Qt. KDE is based on Qt. Do KDE apps (amarok, etc) need KDE or just Qt ? If they need KDE, would it be possible to build KDE for Meego and then run KDE apps ?


one way or another :D

floffe 2010-03-20 08:37

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
KDE apps generally need KDE, which in turn requires Qt. So at least kdelibs will need to be ported

vvaz 2010-03-20 08:41

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
KDE is preparing its mobile version with cut down kdelibs, plasma etc. I suppose most of KDE apps will be able to run on MeeGo in 12-18 months.

schnebeck 2010-03-20 08:59

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
Of course most kde apps have also to change GUI and strip down features for small devices. While the plasma widget system may be ready for very small form factor devices the apps are not ready.
In the future kde plasma mobile can be an alternative to the then running meego system.

Bye Thorsten, who hopes for KDEs akonadi (advanced personal data caching based on IMAP) support for mail, bookmarks, ... for Maemo/Meego

me2000 2010-03-23 15:49

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
This is exactly what I am looking for. Give me this for Fedora and make the rest of the OS stable and open and I'll buy 5 of these phones. And 2 or 3 tablets running Meego too.

Texrat 2010-03-23 20:32

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
Akademy 2010 folks are looking for presentations (deadline in April). I'm thinking a talk on Qt + KDE + MeeGo might have some interest. Who would be interested in collaborating with me on such a thing?

me2000 2010-03-24 14:13

Re: Are (Fedora) KDE apps going to run on Meego ?
I have no time to work on anything, but you certainly have my vote for doing it.

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