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Vinc 2010-03-20 23:39

Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany

i am currently trying to use the SIP Service of my German provider Unitymedia via the Nokia N900. It works very well over Wlan but doesn't work at all over 3G from O2 Germany.

Are there any tools or aps I can use to improve the build-in SIP Service?

I've already tried a lot of configurations. With Wlan it works with the following:

Public Address:
Transport: Auto
Proxy: None
Port: 5061
Discover public addresses: Yes
Loose routing: No
Keep-alive mechanism Auto
Keep-alive period Auto
Stun: No Stun server available

Would be very nice if someone could help me.


zweiblum 2010-03-21 00:08

Re: Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany
I have SIP working via EPlus (Simyo) and Sipgate. To make it work I had to disable the G729 Codec by modifying part of the /etc/stream-engine/gstcodecs.conf to:



Apparently the G729 needs too much bandwidth. I also moved the Speex-Section to the very top of the file, but I'm not sure whether this has an effect.

People I am speaking to are sometimes complaining about bad quality, it depends on the network coverage, 3G minimum.

Vinc 2010-03-21 09:59

Re: Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany
Thanks for the reply, but that doesn't have any effect on the connection. The N900 doesn't reach to connect with the SIP Service. Error is: "Network error". Is there a log file, which gives me further details on connection errors?

For the S60 3rd Edition Phones it works with the following configuration:

Service profile: IETF
Public address:
Use compression: No
Use security mechanism: No

Region: none
User Name: h1xxxxxxx_x
Loose Routing: Yes
Transport: Auto
Port: 5060

Region: Realm
User Name: h1xxxxxxx_x
Transport: UDP
Port: 5060

Is there a way to put this config into the N900? Maybe via a config file which allows advanced sip configuration.


zweiblum 2010-03-21 11:03

Re: Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany
sorry, no idea.

I just used my sipgate account data and it worked well. Maybe you could try registering a sipgate account (free) for troubleshooting?

BertvanDorp 2011-08-10 15:13

Re: Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany
Could also be your mobile Internet provider has blocked port 5060 (VoIP) on the network?

michaelxy 2011-08-10 19:06

Re: Using SIP with Nokia N900 over O2 Germany
You could try to sniff the traffic with tcpdump or wireshark on your n900. Sniff it via wlan and than via 3G and look to the difference. With my german O2 and Sipgate it works well, i have 0815 Einstellungen.

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