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heybige 2010-03-22 21:18

Nightly Fennec Builds
Anyone still downloading the latest nightly Fennec builds? I know this questions has been asked across a bunch of Firefox threads, but figured it was worth its own thread. I just removed Firefox and replaced it with the latest nightly build and find it to be a much better performer than the current 1.0 release. My only issues are that the number of compatible add-ons is limited, but at least Weave (the biggest reason I enjoy using it) is functioning.

ToJa92 2010-03-22 21:25

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds
We seem to be in a similar seat. I was using Firefox about two weeks ago then I tried Fennec and never looked back. Too bad Nightly Tester Tools isn't working on Fennec, that way you could have run any extension. I guess you can just hack it at your computer/direcly in the N900 if you wished too, though.

jr1415us 2010-03-23 04:04

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds

Originally Posted by heybige (Post 577819)
Anyone still downloading the latest nightly Fennec builds? I know this questions has been asked across a bunch of Firefox threads, but figured it was worth its own thread. I just removed Firefox and replaced it with the latest nightly build and find it to be a much better performer than the current 1.0 release. My only issues are that the number of compatible add-ons is limited, but at least Weave (the biggest reason I enjoy using it) is functioning.

Started using Fennec nightly builds-way faster than the current Firefox. Add ons stopped working for me in the last two builds, how to make them work again?

~phoenix~ 2010-03-23 05:16

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds
where i get this fennec bulids??

itpastorn 2010-03-23 13:32

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds
Looks like we need to tell people about the repo. Beware however that using it from a repo will trigger a daily update. That's what a nightly build is after all.

jr1415us 2010-03-23 13:50

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds

Originally Posted by itpastorn (Post 578684)
Looks like we need to tell people about the repo. Beware however that using it from a repo will trigger a daily update. That's what a nightly build is after all.

This is a very useful guide to that as well, written by a Mozilla QA tester:

~phoenix~ 2010-03-23 15:58

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds
what the phaaak?? fennec already installed.... could that be beacause i have firefox installed?? i thought fennec and ff are 2 seperate projekts....

have just uninstalled ff.... tryed to install fennec....

errormessage: installation not possible, downloadpackage not found..... what now??

ToJa92 2010-03-23 16:01

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds

Originally Posted by itpastorn (Post 578684)
Beware however that using it from a repo will trigger a daily update. That's what a nightly build is after all.[/url]

Well, I guess that should be pretty obvious:D
It happens to me all the time at my computers too, since I run Minefield on them.

By the way, I will check if I can hack an extension and install it on my N900 later tonight.

Venemo 2010-03-23 21:24

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds
Does Adblock Plus work with the nightly release?

dsawhney 2010-03-23 21:28

Re: Nightly Fennec Builds

Originally Posted by Venemo (Post 579363)
Does Adblock Plus work with the nightly release?

No the add-ons are not working with the recent nightly builds

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