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Kyle2007 2010-03-23 10:26

[Maemo 5] Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??

New User and new N900 Owner,

Can anyone tell me if Ebuddy or MSN meesenger is available for the Nokia N900.

Any Help is much appreciated,


Marlon 2010-03-23 10:28

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
eBuddy is the web-based MSN right?

MSN is available integrated on the N900 - download the plugin from the App manager. Search in the top right should help ;o)

al678 2010-03-23 10:31

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
You can download an extras application, but first you will need to add the extras repositories from here - although this is at your own risk

This application allows you to intigrate MSN into your contacts and it works just like an sms conversation.

The application is called "Extra protocol plugins for Conversations and Contacts"

ossipena 2010-03-23 10:32

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??

Originally Posted by al678 (Post 578425)
You can download an extras application, but first you will need to add the extras repositories from here - although this is at your own risk

This application allows you to intigrate MSN into your contacts and it works just like an sms conversation.

The application is called "Extra protocol plugins for Conversations and Contacts"

there are also maemo wiki pages for extras -stuff:

e: and the msn plugins are here I think

Kyle2007 2010-03-23 13:09

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
Hey guys, Just got home, Saw your replies, Wow, so quick,

Will check them all out and many thanks to you all for your help.

Kind regards,


mece 2010-03-23 13:18

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
I recommend Pecan for msn. Works very well for me.

zehjotkah 2010-03-23 13:24

Re: Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
i recommend pecan, too.
draws the less battery..

twilight_smr 2010-12-08 21:22

Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or yahoo available..??

i am New User and new N900 Owner,

Can anyone tell me if Ebuddy or yahoo meesenger is available for the Nokia N900.

i need a way to open yahoo chat on my n900

cfh11 2010-12-08 21:41

Re: [Maemo 5] Nokia N900 IS EBuddy or MSN available..??
Download pidgin to get both the MSN and yahoo plugins.

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