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thefoxtrot 2010-03-30 01:01

ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
What things do you do? Any help at all...

jsomby 2010-03-30 01:04

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Dont use widgets that want internet connection or you cannot control how often they updates itself.

Use autoconnect to close inactive 3g/wlan connection.

With these two you can get 24-48h+ normal in normal phone-like use.

rohityes 2010-03-30 01:17

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please

Originally Posted by jsomby (Post 587516)
Dont use widgets that want internet connection or you cannot control how often they updates itself.

Use autoconnect to close inactive 3g/wlan connection.

With these two you can get 24-48h+ normal in normal phone-like use.

What is / how to - autoconnect ?

jsomby 2010-03-30 01:21

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Oops, my bad. It's autodisconnect :D

You can read more from here:

LuckTR 2010-03-30 01:26

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Just unchec the device LED in device ON tab, don`t leave your GPS on if you`re not using maps, disable the orig. weather widget (constantly updating), and use only the shortcut when you need it or download new weather widget OMweather (beautiful + custom update schemes 2hr, 4hr, 24 hr etc.). Reducing number of home screens works too (I wouldn`t be able to live without them anymore though :).

gabby131 2010-03-30 01:35

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
i have 2 widgets updating every hour, and at least 8hrs 2.5g connected and 2hrs on wifi, 2 hrs of calls and 40 sms sent and received. my n900 do all those everyday and my bettery life seems to last from 12-20 hrs.

maxximuscool 2010-03-30 01:49

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Do not use Wireless and always lock the screen after use. Do not play high graphic game or DrSNES.. Avoid bluetooth, and avoid too many widgets on screen, avoid brightness level, avoid flash contents video.

Mine Connected to Wifi for 7hours straight and Constantly on this forum, leaving about 6 windows opened and watched youtube and SMS, checking emails etc... Last me 24hours :D

List can go on lol.

piascyk 2010-03-30 02:20

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
an app called wifiswitcher. turns the wifi radio completely off in the status menu with a button.

JohnLF 2010-03-30 07:42

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Turn off 3G if you don't need it and use GSM mode. Turn your screen brightness down to 3.
Don't use the facebook widget, it's a real battery hog.

Doing this meant I could go from around 12 hours to 24 hours of use.

Over the weekend I turned off the "auto connect to WiFi" option, and yesterday had 49% battery left after 24 hours of use. That included calls, SMS, at least 2 hours on a bluetooth headset and a 2-3 hours using WiFi to check for updates, surf the web etc. (only switching on WiFi when needed).

Duffer 2010-03-30 07:50

Re: ANYTHING I can do to preserve battery life please
Run Htop and check that CPU is idling (~10%) anything flogging the CPU is also consuming power.

If it is not, try to find out what is using the CPU and make a decision if you need it?

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