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cheve 2010-04-01 16:57

Is it possible to use N900 as an AM radio

I want to listen to AM radio. Is there any way that I can do it with the N900 only(ie. s/w application or some h/w mod)?


Crashdamage 2010-04-01 17:01

Re: Is it possible to use N900 as an AM radio
No. The hardware does not support AM.

stlpaul 2010-04-01 17:08

Re: Is it possible to use N900 as an AM radio
Also the N900 would look funny with a long ferrite antenna sticking out :)

extent 2010-04-02 17:53

Re: Is it possible to use N900 as an AM radio
your best bet might be in checking if the am station you want to listen to lets you listen to it directly from its website. you might be then able to listen to the station if you can connect to the internet where you want to use your phone. if youre wanting to listen whilst always on the go with no net available, then for now at least youre probably stuck

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