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jcompagner 2010-04-02 09:54

High power Car charger
Does anybody has a good idea what is a really good high power car charger?
That really can even charge the N900 even when fully used (so open data connection, IM clients connected and navigation with screen constantly on?)

Many micro usb chargers for the car cant really keep up or just stop charging.

Nokia tells us that this is really a high power charger:

and it is nice that it is retractable.. anybody has any experience with it?

noobmonkey 2010-04-02 10:13

Re: High power Car charger
the Nokia DC-10 retractable one is what i have, and works fine.. lasted a 6 hours trip watching movies - kept the battery at 80% when i had finished :D

Schturman 2010-04-02 10:29

Re: High power Car charger
What length of this cable ?

noobmonkey 2010-04-02 11:10

Re: High power Car charger
about .75 of a metre i think....

shadowjk 2010-04-02 12:08

Re: High power Car charger
I have DC-10 too. It seems able to provide as much current as the wall charger, very nice. Only annoying thing with it is the blue LED ring...

DaSilva 2010-04-11 12:00

Re: High power Car charger
Is there a car charger (for the 12V cigarette input) which has enough power to charge the phone even with low battery?
My current solution seems to be not strong enough because the N900 says "Charging" but after a few minutes (or less) it stops charging!

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