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norstadt 2010-04-11 13:21

N900 treated as mobile when browsing

Not sure what my brother has done to his N900 but sometimes when he browses websites (using the default browser) it automatically takes him to the mobile version of the website rather than the full version. Is there a setting somewhere that changes this?


weirdbeard 2010-04-11 13:27

Re: N900 treated as mobile when browsing
user agent switcher

weirdbeard 2010-04-11 13:46

Re: N900 treated as mobile when browsing
also you can change your browser so everytime you use the url bar to search it uses regular google.

type this in url bar:


then search for:


select it and hit enter.

paste this over whatever is there

you can change the language by changing the en to your language.

dont change anything else unless you know what you are doing in about:config

Texrat 2010-04-11 16:05

Re: N900 treated as mobile when browsing
I get that on a couple of blogging sites. Wish there was a browser setting to override that behavior...

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