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mrr 2010-04-12 01:04

Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
Hi, first of all brilliant website!

Second of all is that im currently on the way to buying a n900, i just believe nokia have out done there self, first with the 1gb ram, 32gb, svg graphics etc of the n900 and now overclocking it? its just amazing but i was wondering bout the actuall phone it self.

is there a call log?
is it easy sending texts/making calls?
can you have anything on the 4 desktops (i find that amazing, can i get a wallpaper on each?)
can everything b a widget?
well i just need to no the basic phone functions and how easy they are to use?

Much Appreciated :D

vietn900 2010-04-12 01:14

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
1. yes. you can install this app where you get unlimited call log :D
2. yes sending text and IM are as easy as chatting on the computer since it's threaded ... making call is very easy also!
3. Yup you can have panoramic wallpapers or different in each one
4. Not everything can be widget but there are a lot of widgets in app manager that you can download
5. if you're looking for basic phone function THIS IS THE PHONE!!! n900 most basic function is the phone feature so this might be the perfect phone for you ... on the slide of the phone .. there's a power button .. just press it and it pops up a menu and just tap on "phone" and you can make calls. very simple!

mrr 2010-04-12 01:17

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S

Originally Posted by vietn900 (Post 606165)
1. yes. you can install this app where you get unlimited call log :D
2. yes sending text and IM are as easy as chatting on the computer since it's threaded ... making call is very easy also!
3. Yup you can have panoramic wallpapers or different in each one
4. Not everything can be widget but there are a lot of widgets in app manager that you can download
5. if you're looking for basic phone function THIS IS THE PHONE!!! n900 most basic function is the phone feature so this might be the perfect phone for you ... on the slide of the phone .. there's a power button .. just press it and it pops up a menu and just tap on "phone" and you can make calls. very simple!

yess thats brilliant! im defintely buying this! also can i have a widget for call log? make it easy as i usual get calls of numbers i dont have saved so easier to ring back.

thanks alot for quick reply! cant wait for my n900!

jaem 2010-04-12 01:23

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S

Originally Posted by mrr (Post 606168)
yess thats brilliant! im defintely buying this! also can i have a widget for call log? make it easy as i usual get calls of numbers i dont have saved so easier to ring back.

thanks alot for quick reply! cant wait for my n900!

There is an "inbox" widget that will show pending (e.g. not yet checked) messages and (I think) missed calls, but I find it kind of annoying. At any rate, someone could write such a widget, so you could always ask around and see if a developer is interested. As for your original questions...
Regarding widgets: for the home screens, there are widgets, app shortcuts, contact shortcuts (with presence and picture), and web shortcuts (with thumbnail). New widgets can be coded as desired, and installed from the app manager, but I don't know if the other types of items can be extended.
Regarding SMS: it's been said (and complained about) extensively elsewhere, but do note that one-handed texting (e.g. with the on-screen dial-pad) is not available. You'll have to use the normal keyboard (or the landscape-mode on-screen keyboard, I suppose).
Also of note:
- this probably doesn't matter terribly to you, but to be clear, there is actually only 265MB of RAM - the rest of the "1GB" figure is virtual memory on Flash. It still performs superbly, though.
- I don't claim to have much technical knowledge about overclocking the device, but as with all such things, there are caveats, so make sure you know what you're doing before you decide to dive into that.

vietn900 2010-04-12 01:23

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
well there's no widget (as far as i'm aware) for call log yet but there's one for conversation which includes emails, sms text but yes the call logs saves your recent calls: incoming, outgoing, and missed calls by date and time but just not a widget

mrr 2010-04-12 01:30

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S

Originally Posted by jaem (Post 606173)
There is an "inbox" widget that will show pending (e.g. not yet checked) messages and (I think) missed calls, but I find it kind of annoying. At any rate, someone could write such a widget, so you could always ask around and see if a developer is interested. As for your original questions...
Regarding widgets: for the home screens, there are widgets, app shortcuts, contact shortcuts (with presence and picture), and web shortcuts (with thumbnail). New widgets can be coded as desired, and installed from the app manager, but I don't know if the other types of items can be extended.
Regarding SMS: it's been said (and complained about) extensively elsewhere, but do note that one-handed texting (e.g. with the on-screen dial-pad) is not available. You'll have to use the normal keyboard (or the landscape-mode on-screen keyboard, I suppose).
Also of note:
- this probably doesn't matter terribly to you, but to be clear, there is actually only 265MB of RAM - the rest of the "1GB" figure is virtual memory on Flash. It still performs superbly, though.
- I don't claim to have much technical knowledge about overclocking the device, but as with all such things, there are caveats, so make sure you know what you're doing before you decide to dive into that.

thatss try and play aroud with the widgets and virtual or not i have seen this perform, just amazing..and i wouldnt mess around with it, i dont want to damage it, ive aready bout lots of accessories and phones not even here :D

thanks alot for info

mrr 2010-04-12 01:32

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
ohh and one more thing..high capacity batterys? i mean the standard battery isnt really amazing but i have this

dangerous to use?

jaem 2010-04-12 01:35

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S

Originally Posted by mrr (Post 606185)
ohh and one more thing..high capacity batterys? i mean the standard battery isnt really amazing but i have this

dangerous to use?

Given that it's only 10 GBP, and from eBay, quite possibly. It may be entirely fine and safe, but in general that sort of thing is a bit risky. But you can still operate the (replacement) phone with a few less fingers anyway, right? :P

mrr 2010-04-12 01:42

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
n900 is a 2 handed device mainly..i like all my fingers, il just buy a spare battery :P

vietn900 2010-04-12 01:47

Re: Hi..N900 Im Lost =S
lol yeah i have 3 spare battery ... i bought one OEM and one China made that came with my desktop charger which surprisingly works fine LOL

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