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davidmaxwaterman 2010-04-12 06:39

62 apps at once challenge
The Samsung i8910 HD runs 62 apps at once.


in what we can only interpret as a large middle finger and "come here" gesture to all who aspire to the cell phone multitasking heavyweight title
I'm guessing the N900 can better that, no?

The cynic in me was wondering if the N900 even had 62 apps, but watching the video, I see some of the apps are pretty trivial (I think I saw one called 'About'), and looking on my N900, I see close to 100 apps installed, so I'm sure there are 62 things to install and run that will show up in the task switcher.

However, it has to be said that the Sammy still remains remarkably responsive despite having so many apps to switch between. Perhaps this is a job for an overclocked N900?

Anyone tried?

N901 2010-04-12 06:46

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
i8910 HD is a little bit stronger

ha ha ha

calltrace 2010-04-12 07:08

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
hmm, clocked at 800MHz , but i have only 54 apps :) so i run them all (dos "settings ,phone" and other like this count ?)
Little lagish ,just nothink serious

fmo 2010-04-12 07:23

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
I'll give it a try after PR1.2, at the moment some of the apps on the repos are not installable.

on3st4b 2010-04-12 07:24

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
althought its nice to know that you have the horsepower to run 62 or 100 apps at the same time , its quite pointless . i never used more that 4 to 6 apps at the same time .

davidmaxwaterman 2010-04-12 07:39

Re: 62 apps at once challenge

Originally Posted by on3st4b (Post 606459)
althought its nice to know that you have the horsepower to run 62 or 100 apps at the same time , its quite pointless . i never used more that 4 to 6 apps at the same time .

True enough (IMO) ... though there is a marketing opportunity, no?

Forphucsake 2010-04-12 07:42

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
I got to 46 but ran out of apps and was still running decently smooth but that was including media player playing mp3s, all games running if they could (Airport, bejeweled, mahjong, marbles, chess etc), drnoksnes, web, pdf reader, settings, app manager, file manager etc etc. You get the idea.

nokian-series 2010-04-12 07:56

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
I've only tested 40 apps, i've not much more to test.

But i'll try that test! :)

JMacalinao 2010-04-12 08:06

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
How about 100 conversation windows opened? Or 100 browser windows? That's about equal to 100 apps, right? :p (Is one browser window = one instance of the app, or is it just one app no matter how many browser windows opened?)

cashclientel 2010-04-12 08:22

Re: 62 apps at once challenge
@JMacalinao - you'd never be able to get 62 browsers open on the N900 (and that is a challenge!)

With that many apps "open" the system would be running so slowly you'd be faster to have the apps open and close as you use them (i.e. normal behavior).

it's an interesting proof of concept though.

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