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jacktanner 2010-04-13 03:36

overclock the DSP?
Can the N900's DSP be overclocked in the same sense that the CPU can be overclocked? The DSP is a Texas Instruments TMS320C64x running at 430Mhz. I'm clueless about hardware, I doubt my question even makes any sense...

UNderworld 2010-04-13 03:45

Re: overclock the DSP?
lehto's 900mhz has dsp to 500mhz...

joshv06 2010-04-13 03:53

Re: overclock the DSP?
What would the advantage of overclocking the DSP be on the N900?

jacktanner 2010-04-13 03:59

Re: overclock the DSP?
Presumably an overclocked DSP has an easier time decoding audio and video.

egoshin 2010-04-13 04:27

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by jacktanner (Post 607937)
Presumably an overclocked DSP has an easier time decoding audio and video.

Looks like Nokia doesn't use DSP today... at least it is seemed from some changelog...

lardman 2010-04-13 06:36

Re: overclock the DSP?
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

egoshin 2010-04-13 07:00

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 608013)
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

I want it to be... and hope I was wrong.

jaeezzy 2010-04-13 07:03

Re: overclock the DSP?

Originally Posted by lardman (Post 608013)
It currently uses the DSP for video decoding afaik.

But not for video recording I guess coz the 900/500MHz didn't help me take any smooth video at all..

shadowjk 2010-04-14 13:25

Re: overclock the DSP?
It's probably an I/O issue rather than a CPU/DSP issue

Hoshiro 2010-08-11 19:03

Re: overclock the DSP?
same here!
overclocking the ARM processor did't help shoot a descent video in night mode...
probably cause the dsp is in total control of this job...
so, it would be interesting to see it being overclocked!!

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