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afaq 2010-04-16 19:46

Share text between your N900 and PC
When i'm at work or at home and I'm browsing the website or other websites related to my phone, I sometimes find links (e.g. set up/downloadable files) which I want to install on my phone or simply open from my N900. There is no easy way to do this but to go back to google (or if the URL isnt too long, to type that website into the microB and open that link) and re create that search and find the site.

That takes too long.
So at other times I email myself that link and open it via email on my N900. Tadaa! its done. But that takes too long too and it isnt efficient. My inbox gets full of links and random text that I only wanted temporarily.

So I thought hard about this today and figured there must be a solution. Here is what went through my brain:

1. Whiteboards. these are online-live blank pages that you can doodle on and your friends/colleagues can instantly see any input you make. is there something like this for text? And yes - there is. Online notepads allow you to store text on their website (which you can then visit from your N900).

2. Google Docs. Why not use the leader in cloud storage? I could bookmark a .doc on google and just paste and hit save everytime I need. Then open the same bookmark from microB from my N900. Easy way to copy and paste text and links from one device to the other.

3. Twitter. create an account just for posting URLs and text that I quickly want to access from my N900. Possibly add a widget to my desktop and refresh it and instantly have sharing of information.

They all work to some degree but none of them are that efficient. First two require you to open websites (might as well open your email?) and twitter works but the problem is twitter is blocked from most corporate internet. I cant access it at work.

So if you happen to think like I do and actually face this problem, do the above work for you? do you have a better idea?

I was thinking of creating an app which allows a whiteboard type solution to this. Like a mIRC chat - with real time update on your phone so as you type a URL on the PC side of the "whiteboard", your N900 displays that same text.

I can think of a lot of other ideas, some quite tedious but the limitation I have is my company blocks almost all "fun" websites.

ysss 2010-04-16 19:56

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
I guess you can leave a .txt file on a samba\nfs\ftp\webdav server somewhere accessible by both machines?

Or rsync a directory on your devices to one on your desktop?


Create another account on your IM service of choice (ym? gtalk? even skype) for your home. On most of these, you don't even have to leave a client connected on the other end for this to work.

ps: setup vpn tunnel for the first 2 suggestions to break through your corporate firewall if possible.

usar 2010-04-16 20:13

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
maybe mBarcode?

JonWW 2010-04-16 20:14

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
Install x11vnc on the N900 and a VNC client on your PC then run x11vnc on the phone and connect to the phone using then IP address it has on your wireless network with the VNC client.

Once you have done this you can open a website on the phone's browser and then using the PC you can copy and paste the URL and it will appear in the PCs clipboard

EDIT: I use TightVNC, I don't know if any other VNC clients copy the clipboard

zimon 2010-04-16 20:18

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC

zoner 2010-04-17 03:12

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 614008)
Or rsync a directory on your devices to one on your desktop?

yes, if usb is an option, it's easy. Pick any file comparison utility

I keep my emacs files in sync with kompare because I like to mod the same file on pc & handheld, you can walk through the files line-by-line if needed.

afaq 2010-04-17 15:07

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
Thanks guys,

I might try a few of these out. VNC sounds promising

fpp 2010-04-17 16:25

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
Evernote ?

ZogG 2010-04-17 16:29

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
i think it would be nice to have mbarcode not only read but make qrcode images - and it can solve your problem

notnarb 2010-04-18 06:26

Re: Share text between your N900 and PC
A barcode may be faster, but if that doesn't work out, why not just use SCP? Drag the link to the desktop, creating a shortcut, then drag it in to, for example, WinSCP.

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