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boomer 2010-04-23 09:01

N900 as FTP server
Can anybody tell me which software can i install on my n900 for ftp server?

Switch_ 2010-04-23 09:05

Re: N900 as FTP server
Sorry, can you explain a little more? Are you saying you want to run your N900 as an FTP server or are you saying that you want an FTP client on your device to access an FTP server?

omeriko9 2010-04-23 09:08

Re: N900 as FTP server

Originally Posted by Switch_ (Post 624032)
Sorry, can you explain a little more? Are you saying you want to run your N900 as an FTP server or are you saying that you want an FTP client on your device to access an FTP server?

Before talking about FTP server, a FTP client would be nice.
Some CLI ftp, similar to lftp or NcFTP would be really nice.

Of course porting ftp-server from x86 to armel would be really nice as well.

cjard 2010-04-23 09:09

Re: N900 as FTP server
proftpd is an ftp server software
I havent found a good ftp client; i'd probably use the browser with a url ftp://user:pass@host:port

ossipena 2010-04-23 09:11

Re: N900 as FTP server
there is already ftp plugin for image/video etc sharing.

but of course client + server would be fantastic!

misterc 2012-05-12 20:21

Re: N900 as FTP server
as an FTP client Midhight Commander is very handy
(two panels, select multiple files / dirs (Shift + Arrow) and copy (F5) move (F6) with one key)

Halftux 2012-05-13 18:21

Re: N900 as FTP server
For ftp file transfer to my N900 I am using a self compiled vsftpd.

*Edit: nobody need to port:p Funny how people react when sombody is talking ******** sorry for mixing up release and gui.
As a client gui gftp is nice.*

But in the repository there is proftpd as ftp server. And here how to configure the server.

If somebody is interested in vsftpd I can upload my binary.

Estel 2012-05-13 18:57

Re: N900 as FTP server

Originally Posted by Halftux (Post 1206158)
However somebody need to port from hildon to fremantle.


ten chars

Halftux 2012-05-13 19:04

Re: N900 as FTP server
sorry is already ported ;)

misiak 2012-05-13 19:07

Re: N900 as FTP server

Originally Posted by Estel (Post 1206167)

I WTF'ed too, I think he meant "Harmattan" maybe (but who knows?).

OFFTOPIC: Interesting trick with ten chars ;)

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