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ali.harmouch 2010-04-25 08:46

self photo
How can I add photo to my number? I mean when I am chatting and sending SMS, i want my photo to appear with the item "you".

benny1967 2010-04-25 09:47

Re: self photo
I don't know if this is the only/official way to do this, but I have an entry for myself in my address book. Photo, all IM accounts, phone numbers etc.

In a conversation, this entry is displayed instead of "You". So I see my name and my photo.

F2thaK 2010-04-25 09:58

Re: self photo
thats what i do, helps you remember ur own number too

cortina61 2010-04-25 10:13

Re: self photo
I just tried this but didnt work. just put my name and number in contacts. Anything I missed?

stigslim 2010-04-25 10:33

Re: self photo
same here.New contact, email, photo, number.Still shows me as You in conversations.Any ideas?.

maxximuscool 2010-04-25 10:36

Re: self photo

Originally Posted by cortina61 (Post 626809)
I just tried this but didnt work. just put my name and number in contacts. Anything I missed?

i think you meant in the conversation right?
well if that the case then you'll have to do it manually. Adding your picture of 64x64pixel and put it inside he conversation messaging folder. For displaying it then you'll have to modified your .htm, css and js file for each sms, and IM. This is the only way.

do a search for conversation customisation, you'll find your information on how to do it.

shiny 2010-04-25 10:46

Re: self photo
I think this might be possible. Open up "Contacts" to get the "All Contacts" view. Click the menu in the title bar, and then the "My Information" button. It'll show all the info that the phone has stored for you. Clicking the photo there will let you change your photo like you can for any other contact.

I haven't tested that this works with IM etc. yet, but at a guess it might do.

EDIT: Actually, this doesn't work, but setting your avatar image per-IM connection does send the avatar and display it as you'd expect.

benny1967 2010-04-25 10:50

Re: self photo

Originally Posted by maxximuscool (Post 626834)
i think you meant in the conversation right?
well if that the case then you'll have to do it manually. Adding your picture of 64x64pixel and put it inside he conversation messaging folder. For displaying it then you'll have to modified your .htm, css and js file for each sms, and IM. This is the only way.

do a search for conversation customisation, you'll find your information on how to do it.

i never did any of that and have my name/photo in the conversation window.

cashclientel 2010-04-25 11:02

Re: self photo
@benny1967 how does the N900 know that the entry in the phonebook is you? I presume it must be linking by your own number (gsm code *#100#) - but is the N900 aware what 'number' it is on?

cortina61 2010-04-25 11:08

Re: self photo
benny please go through step by step what you did!
maximmuscool - over my head Im afraid but hopefully one day........

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