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Kee 2010-04-27 07:29

Raincat, something to port maybe?
Sources available, small nice looking game:

Anyone have the skills to make it?


mthmob 2010-04-27 07:39

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?
interresting .. looks great.

Darkwolf 2010-04-27 09:34

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?
Holy moly! This looks really fresh and nice. I'll chip in for anyone who is willing to make this a reality financial wise. It's fancy stuff like this that the N900 could really use right now!

buurmas 2010-05-07 15:38

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?
It's written using a language called Haskell using a compiler named GHC (Glasgow Haskell Compiler). Never heard of either of them. They look old, but still maintained. Debian armel is a community-supported platform (as opposed to an officially-supported platform). If you go to and click packages (link), you can see some of the software available, including 62 games.

Do we have any other Haskell apps, I wonder?

little_beat 2010-05-07 17:32

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?
The game looks extremely interesting. Would love to see it ported.

buurmas 2010-05-07 18:15

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?
Seemingly-useful references for anyone who wants to pick this up:

TomMD 2010-05-08 17:39

Re: Raincat, something to port maybe?

Originally Posted by buurmas (Post 648395)

Yay, someone saw my blog!

If you're interested in GHC on ARM then the current efforts on the LLVM backend should be of great interest - it has developed slightly faster than I expected and slower than others had hoped. Also see the slightly older work: alphaccars previous GHC-Omap cross compiler (lots of the coding was done by blackh, iirc).

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