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SouthSideTommyD 2010-02-26 22:36

Export SMS from N900 ???
I am trying to figure out a way to export or save my conversations in a txt or html format - I like to keep logs of my conversations and my N900 is starting to slow down from having so many threads ...
Any ideas how to export or save the files to my computer will be greatly appreciated !!!

jvesiluoma 2010-02-26 23:10

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???

Maybe this helps.

Note: Make backups first. I will not take any responsibility if you brick your device. It's your own responsibility.

1. Open terminal

2. give following command:
sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='xxxxxxxxxxxx' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

3. xxxxxxxxxxxx in above command is the phone number of the contact. For example you want to save conversations with the person that phone number is 1234567890 the command would be:
sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='1234567890' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

Now you should have output.html file that has conversation in HTML format. Now you just need to transfer that file to your computer via USB for example.

You can see additional output modes by giving following command in terminal and replacing -html with something else like -csv or -column for example.
sqlite3 --help

Hope it helps.


donsaibot 2010-04-01 10:18

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???

does it work with Chat also?

assetburned 2010-04-03 16:45

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???
Hmm wondering why it isn't possible to download the SMS via Bluetooth.
I would like to use tools like BluephoneElite :-/

avazkhan 2010-04-21 04:58

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???

Originally Posted by jvesiluoma (Post 548338)

Maybe this helps.

Note: Make backups first. I will not take any responsibility if you brick your device. It's your own responsibility.

1. Open terminal

2. give following command:
sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='xxxxxxxxxxxx' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

3. xxxxxxxxxxxx in above command is the phone number of the contact. For example you want to save conversations with the person that phone number is 1234567890 the command would be:
sqlite3 -html /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el.db "SELECT service_id,event_type_id,free_text, remote_uid FROM Events WHERE remote_uid='1234567890' order by start_time DESC;" > output.html

Now you should have output.html file that has conversation in HTML format. Now you just need to transfer that file to your computer via USB for example.

You can see additional output modes by giving following command in terminal and replacing -html with something else like -csv or -column for example.
sqlite3 --help

Hope it helps.


Hi, Jarkko!

I did it; I'm unable to find the output.html file :D

Pls help me to find it.


tirtawn 2010-04-21 05:16

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???

Originally Posted by avazkhan (Post 620417)
Hi, Jarkko!

I did it; I'm unable to find the output.html file :D

Pls help me to find it.


Never know this command, but I will assume the command works, you need to type at the end

sqlite ....... > /home/user/output.html

then for sure you could find the output.html under /home/user :)

ali.harmouch 2010-04-21 05:48

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???
Sorry I did the above but i received this in X Terminal:" sh: sqlite:not found"
please help

avazkhan 2010-04-21 05:53

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???
Dear Ali,

You have to concern about white spaces.

Specially I think you have typed "sqlite" while it is "sqlite3".

fhofer 2010-04-21 05:56

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???
there is an app in extras that will export the database to csv format. I believe it is called glogarchive.

avazkhan 2010-04-21 06:01

Re: Export SMS from N900 ???
Dear tirtawn;

I found it in file:///home/user!


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