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thecrazyw 2010-04-28 14:29

After flash, no more vibration
I have flashed my n900 and after that the vibration wont work ???

Do anybody has the same problem or better the solution for that ???

one more help pleeeeease :confused:

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 14:45

Re: After flash, no more vibration
It's most probably a hardware problem, check your vibration settings, check if mce is running (LEDs when charging etc...).
If mce is running and vibration isn't working, it's a hardware problem.

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 14:55

Re: After flash, no more vibration
What is "mce" .....?

In the profiles i have checked(switched on) the vibration buttons for both profiles

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 15:00

Re: After flash, no more vibration
"LEDs when charging etc..."
Does the LED light up when charging?

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 15:06

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Yes, its lighting orange if its charging
blue if i have got a massage and green on fully loaded

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 15:09

Re: After flash, no more vibration
disabled in settings?

Healthcheck will do a vibration test for you :D

MohammadAG 2010-04-28 15:27

Re: After flash, no more vibration
Sounds like a hardware problem, download HealthCheck and check if vibration works.
If it doesn't, it's a hardware problem.

(BTW do you hear a click sound and a squeak when it vibrates? Might be similar to my old problem)

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 15:34

Re: After flash, no more vibration
No it isn't disabled .....

i have made serveral restarts :(

how can i install healthcheck i need: libqt4-core; libqtgui4; libqt4-core

noobmonkey 2010-04-28 15:44

Re: After flash, no more vibration
cant install it from app manager?

thecrazyw 2010-04-28 16:15

Re: After flash, no more vibration
if i want to install the app (with appmanager) there is a request for the 3 files above ... ( some files are missing: libqt4-core; libqtgui4; libqt4-core )

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