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silvermountain 2010-04-30 22:17

What's your mobile speed? (online test)
Using (and re-testing as recommended) I received a 'rating' of: 1.91 Mbps

Tested on: Nokia N810, microB, @ Le Boulanger Coffee/Deli.

(i also tested on my laptop and over three tests I never broke 800 kbps ...). Odd.

flatser 2010-04-30 22:30

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
i've got a rate of 8 Mbps on my wifi i dit not tested on 3g network.

chase15 2010-04-30 22:36

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
got 9 to 13 mbps on wifi.. ill try on 3g later.

devu 2010-04-30 22:43

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
I've got 8.3Mbs on N900 and indeed less on PC but I guess because this is mobile-test must be optimized for mobile somehow.

on 3GP - Vodafone UK network 2.711.7 kbps

God_Lx 2010-04-30 23:03

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
Around 8Mbps too with Highest settings on battery saving for the WiFi, wondering if it makes any diference at all, not that bored to check atm..

crambo63 2010-04-30 23:29

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
1 Attachment(s)
Got this on T-Mobile UK, now that's impressive!

Nipperoid 2010-04-30 23:36

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
270kbps on tmo-uk
2.7MBps on 3

3's network should carry the N900

joshv06 2010-05-01 04:13

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)

Originally Posted by crambo63 (Post 635630)
Got this on T-Mobile UK, now that's impressive!

Haha and on 2G? HTML edit?

qosmio 2010-05-01 04:39

Re: What's your mobile speed? (online test)
1 Attachment(s)
Not to bad for T-Mobile Uk.

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