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switchfiend 2010-04-30 23:48

New N8 appears to support USB Host mode
According to this article:

One of the features of the N8 is that you can plug a USB hard drive or USB stick into it (provided it is either low powered or externally powered).

This bodes well for the N900 replacement also having USB Host mode re-enabled; hopefully at least. ;)

maxximuscool 2010-05-01 00:00

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode
Hmm will the adaptor work with N900? USB OTG is possible aslong we get the external power and trigger the usb host. But not sure if it ever possible with N900 and this adaptor?

switchfiend 2010-05-01 00:05

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode
A USB stick is sufficiently low power that it will power through the device (the external power requirement is for USB hard drives).

And yes, the N8 is not an n900 replacement, but as Nokia are slotting the Maemo devices as more computer than phone, I'd be very surprised if a feature like that is rolled out in the Symbian N-series and doesn't wind up on their Meego devices.

It's certainly not a slam dunk, but for them to have gotten it working on the N8 they would have had to intentionally build that capability in. I presume that the odds are better than not that the next Meego device won't backtrack from that decision.

Maybe I'm just trying to be optimistic.


Originally Posted by olighak (Post 635656)
Yes, good luck finding a externally powered USB stick.

Also the N8 is not a N900 replacement, so I wouldn't count on that single article as saying the next tablet will have host mode again.

nosa101 2010-05-01 00:09

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode
usb stick charging?

nrajesh 2010-05-01 02:57

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode

Originally Posted by switchfiend (Post 635669)
...the N8 is not an n900 replacement, but as Nokia are slotting the Maemo devices as more computer than phone, I'd be very surprised if a feature like that is rolled out in the Symbian N-series...

In this link, Nokia announces the standard sales package as "Nokia N8 mobile computer"!

N8 seems to be Symbian's answer to Maemo's masterpiece. The phone specs are no doubt brilliant. Feature wise it seems to be too good but how well these are implemented needs to be seen. However, seeing the initial videos I feel the UI of Maemo is better.

Dumping all available features on the market and using the storehouse of symbian apps is in no way level-playing and definitely doesn't mean the N8 is better. Even without the multi-touch or the HDMI out or the USB plugin modes N900 is still in a league of its own. Let's face it - how many mobiles are out there that are "really" open-source and developer friendly!

tissot 2010-05-01 17:44

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode

Originally Posted by nrajesh (Post 635738)
In this link, Nokia announces the standard sales package as "Nokia N8 mobile computer"!

N8 seems to be Symbian's answer to Maemo's masterpiece. The phone specs are no doubt brilliant. Feature wise it seems to be too good but how well these are implemented needs to be seen. However, seeing the initial videos I feel the UI of Maemo is better.

Mobile Computer phrase have been used since N95.
It's already explained that by 2011 when MeeGo is the high end platform it will gather the more of the tech savy people and people who look for more complete functions from a phone.

N8 is most of all multimedia monster. I have no doubt that this well kick N900 *** sales wise, but because of Qt4.6 that's nothing else than a positive thing for us that are looking for PR1.2 or Harmattan/MeeGo in the future. ;)

Laughing Man 2010-05-01 17:59

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode
Wasn't the reason they didn't put USB Host Mode in the N900 because of the USB Consortium's rules about using the same port to charge and do USB host?

If so..what differs the N8 then? o.O

MohammadAG 2010-05-01 18:31

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode

Originally Posted by Laughing Man (Post 636643)
Wasn't the reason they didn't put USB Host Mode in the N900 because of the USB Consortium's rules about using the same port to charge and do USB host?

If so..what differs the N8 then? o.O

The ports are different afaik
Type A vs B

rickysio 2010-05-02 04:31

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode

Originally Posted by nrajesh (Post 635738)
In this link, Nokia announces the standard sales package as "Nokia N8 mobile computer"!

N8 seems to be Symbian's answer to Maemo's masterpiece. The phone specs are no doubt brilliant. Feature wise it seems to be too good but how well these are implemented needs to be seen. However, seeing the initial videos I feel the UI of Maemo is better.

Dumping all available features on the market and using the storehouse of symbian apps is in no way level-playing and definitely doesn't mean the N8 is better. Even without the multi-touch or the HDMI out or the USB plugin modes N900 is still in a league of its own. Let's face it - how many mobiles are out there that are "really" open-source and developer friendly!

Symbian is open source?

N900 also has closed source elements...?

tso 2010-05-03 03:45

Re: New N8 appears to support USB Host mode

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 636668)
The ports are different afaik
Type A vs B

OTG, it allows a device to be "host" unless it encounters a true host, use a special AB port.

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