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bunanson 2010-05-01 14:26

StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
5 Attachment(s)
Requirement: You have to see TV signal on your desktop PC
My System, you can use anything that is similar:
Win Vista 32 bit
Digital Tuner (ViXS PureTV Digital TV Receiver, 3 years old!)
N900 3.2010.02-8


1) Install orb on desktop PC - Orb20SetupUs.exe (v2.55.0079); I used the international (New!). I recommend unstall previous orb version before installing this one. Follow instructions and set up orb account.

2) On winPC: orb>Control Panel>TV>you should see you TV card listed, if not, Refresh, hilite your TV card>Start Wizard>Auto Scan, takes several minutes; if you have more than one TV card, Auto Scan each one.

3) On N900: web>>log in using orb account from step 1)

4) On N900: Setting: DEFAULTS DOES NOT WORK ON N900!
Speed: default 160, change to Use fixed speed 600 KB/s (any thing over 400 will do) >Save
Stream: Winamp Format (.pls) >Save (THIS IS THE KEYSTEP!)
Layout: default
More: default


Start your orb server on your win Vista, you should now see a green dot on your Right lower corner of your winPC, now go to on your N900, TV>program guide>play channel!

enjoy your TV now

Trouble shooting:
1) 1st you got to see TV on your win desktop
2) Try this out with anoth PC before N900
3) Check firewall setting, they should be on with exception to several Orb programs.
4) Thank bun and post your questions here.

I am trying to see if orb can use HAVA signal; and of course, I will try this on my N8x0 as it has a little bigger screen :)

PR 1.2? Nay, make do with what you have!

pros: it is free, from your motherboat Nokia (it works on iphone too, but iphone users would have to pay a fee, i wonder why :rolleyes:)
cons: to change TV channel is a 10 steps process!!!! but hey, it works

No pics, no story :), here are the pics

1) ESPN1
2) ESPN2
3) Orb>TV>program guide (home theatre settings)
4) Orb>TV>program guide (mobile settings)
5) Orb home page

Please ignore the fuzziness, the TV on N900 is crystall clear!

Credit to TMO member ear0wax's suggestions.

Not a card carrying member of N900? Not a problem, step by step instructions for N8x0 is here,

No TV card? No problem, install WorldTV99, news are almost the same but without advertisement, so evening news of 30 min becomes 19 min, you save 11 min per watch of your live! LiveTV with TV card or WorldTV99 without TV card - N900 got you entertained!!! JustWatch!


bunanson 2010-05-01 14:41

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
1 Attachment(s)
Yes, it works with USB digital tuner card too, there maybe a problem with HD in progress :) , hacking around the N900 is the BEST way to spend my saturday morning while she is still sleeping.......

more pics, panoramic with FoxNews, my 2nd fav news entertainment! Again, fuzziness is from camera, the TV is crystal clear on your N900.


bunanson 2010-05-01 15:19

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
Now this is my new found toy, when I am not browsing, I am constantly on orb.........liveTV is just one key stroke away, always on background. This is called, uh........multitasking. Glad I did not pick the monotasking lesssmartphone. Thank you Nokia and the orb team!


YoDude 2010-05-01 15:28

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb

Originally Posted by bunanson (Post 636415)
Now this is my new found toy, when I am not browsing, I am constantly on orb.........liveTV is just one key stroke away, always on background. This is called, uh........multitasking. Glad I did not pick the monotasking lesssmartphone. Thank you Nokia and the orb team!


You Rock Dude!

Keep 'em comming. It is hard to get bored when you have an N900, isn't it?

Patola 2010-05-01 15:33

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
And for those who don't have and won't have any Windows-underpowered computer ever? Those who use GNU/Linux will be just cast aside?

bunanson 2010-05-01 15:41

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
YoDude, thanks for the kind words. You are right, cant get bore with N900!

Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread: 54! Not bad. However, since it requires a TV card, I guess not too many user can benefit. Oh well...

I saw a USB tuner card with HD out for $19.99 w remote from, should I get another one just for fun?


bunanson 2010-05-01 15:45

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb

Originally Posted by Patola (Post 636437)
And for those who don't have and won't have any Windows-underpowered computer ever? Those who use GNU/Linux will be just cast aside?

Dont blame me, talk to your motherNokia, see whether they are going to crank out something GNU/Linux.. (fat chance!). Dont get loyal with whatever systems, use what is available. Hey, I am dual boot on my window box. I think you should try too if you happen to have a TV card laying around. Let us know how it go.


Olvi 2010-05-01 15:49

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb

Originally Posted by Patola (Post 636437)
And for those who don't have and won't have any Windows-underpowered computer ever? Those who use GNU/Linux will be just cast aside?

Try Knots2. At least streaming works great. I have (though with Windows) a working configuration where I'm streaming live tv from a USB DVB-tuner with Knots&vlc to the N900 and it works great. I would assume it works in a similiar way in Linux too.

ppriyank 2010-05-01 16:11

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
This is a bit off topic, but just wanted to know, if I play .mkv files (from the computer not live tv) using winamp settings, it does not play, but with flash it plays (very bad quality dho) is this because n900 does not support .mkv format (i do have the extra codec support thing downloaded) just curios!!!

Thank you!

esthreel 2010-05-01 16:17

Re: StepbyStep: stream LIVE TV to N900 using orb
What about IPTV? Is it possible on N900?

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