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nosa101 2010-05-01 15:28

Anybody tried using this or followed its development?
It seems like a twitter app or actually a microblog app with support for twitter.

We need to find a way to get all these developers to or get their apps in extras or something.

kimitake 2010-05-02 19:53

Re: QWassr
Thanks for introducing the app :)
Now, it's still developing and for some reason, I have not posted it to extras-devel, so you can download it from blog site[1] only.


nosa101 2010-05-02 19:58

Re: QWassr

Originally Posted by kimitake (Post 639037)
Thanks for introducing the app :)
Now, it's still developing and for some reason, I have not posted it to extras-devel, so you can download it from blog site[1] only.


thanks i stumbled across your blog through some random google fu. please update us as you progress.

do you have a deb for pr 1.1.1? I tried installing it and i had some missing dependencies

kimitake 2010-05-03 04:56

Re: QWassr

Originally Posted by nosa101 (Post 639054)
do you have a deb for pr 1.1.1? I tried installing it and i had some missing dependencies

Yes, one is for PR1.1.1 and another one is PR1.2 (maybe, because I have not the firmware yet :).

Both require Qt4.6.2, so if you try PR1.1.1 version, please enable
extras-devel repository also.
Some libqt4-maemo5-xxx packages will come from the repository.

Joseph.skb 2011-02-28 13:42

Re: QWassr
Just saw this in Ovi Store (FOC). Any recommendations? Useful? Who can we communicate with (only other Qwassr enabled devices?)?

travla 2011-02-28 13:50

Re: QWassr
I'm using it for Twitter, works well.

travla 2011-05-24 23:53

Re: QWassr
Just thought I'd post an update, I'm now using QWassr as my first choice Twitter client (was using TwimGo prior). The interface is very clean, and the app is stable.

Some features that I really like:

1. Colour coding of tweets (blue for your tweets, red for responded tweets)
2. Shows you what service was used for the tweet (e.g. by xxx via yyy), with a URL to the service on Twitter
3. Useful Context menu options for Individual Tweets (Reply to Selected User, Reply to All, Quote Sender, Add to Favourite, Retweet, Delete, User Info)
4. The Reply to Selected User is very useful for tweets with multiple mentions (the UI gives you a popup dialog that lets you pick which user to reply to)
5. User assignable Auto Update interval (1 - 10 minutes)
6. Searches have a drop down box with historical searches you've made
7. You can stay in the search window and update

There are a few other nice features, all up this is a classy app, and I think deserves some recognition. Which reminds me, the devs blog site does not have a Donate Link. Anyone know where to send donations?

As per above, QWassr is available in Ovi Store.

Edit: Added Hyperlink

xur17 2011-05-25 00:32

Re: QWassr
I'm currently having trouble logging into my account. My password had special characters in it, and when I ran it from the command line, it gave me an incorrect password error (the regular interface doesn't notify you when you type an incorrect password, it just returns a blank page). I tried typing the password a few times, and I am pretty sure it was correct.

I changed my password to not have any special characters, but I must have typed the wrong password too many times, because it locked me out for an hour.

The interface does look very nice from the screenshots, and it shows some definite promise. I'll review it more in an hour when I can get it to work.

kimitake 2011-05-26 07:07

Re: QWassr

Originally Posted by xur17 (Post 1014786)
I'm currently having trouble logging into my account.

Sorry, I have encountered same issue before and fixed it, but it seems that I need to investigate for other cases. In addition, currently QWassr does not show any error information when login fails, I will fix it also.

kimitake 2011-05-26 07:20

Re: QWassr

Originally Posted by travla (Post 1014777)
There are a few other nice features, all up this is a classy app, and I think deserves some recognition. Which reminds me, the devs blog site does not have a Donate Link. Anyone know where to send donations?

As per above, QWassr is available in Ovi Store.

Hi travla, thank you for your comments. I'm happy to hear that you like some QWassr features. The app is still under development so I will continue to improve it and also support for other platform like symbian and MeeGo. If you have such devices please try it, too.

btw, the following blog entry has donate link :)

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