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zlatko 2010-05-02 14:34

MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
I flashed PR1.2. RC and found MicroB is not starting anymore. Everything else works just fine. Anyone with similar problem or idea how it can be solved?

rickysio 2010-05-02 14:37

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
I don't have this issue. Try rebooting?

zlatko 2010-05-02 14:38

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
Already tried...2 times :-)

AtteK0 2010-05-02 14:42

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
It is possible the browser is still running. If you are not afraid of the mighty Terminal, go there and type:


If the browser is there, type the number on itīs left side, for example mine was 1562.


kill 1562
Then try again.

zlatko 2010-05-02 14:49

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
If browser was running reboot should have solved the issue. Anyway TOP is showing /usr/sbin/browserd running. Killing it doesnt help the situation.

PS. I am not afraid of terminal, been using Linux/FreeBSD nearly 10 years ;-)

daffydk 2010-05-02 14:54

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
hmm dont use the leaked pr 1.2 then your problem are solved

AtteK0 2010-05-02 14:54

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
Lol, I am more afraid of the Terminal than I am afraid of puppies (quite terrifying creatures when hungry and in groups, though...)

I havenīt done this for too long... Sorry for the underestimating and stuff... :o

zlatko 2010-05-02 15:07

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
No offense taken buddy, you were just trying to help! ;-)

christexaport 2010-05-02 16:43

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash

Originally Posted by AtteK0 (Post 638492)
Lol, I am more afraid of the Terminal than I am afraid of puppies (quite terrifying creatures when hungry and in groups, though...)

I havenīt done this for too long... Sorry for the underestimating and stuff... :o

Well if you want to tinker and use experimental stuff, be prepared to learn. I did. It isn't always easy, but it will only help in the long run. Just read as much as possible, trust the community, and be patient.

rawutt 2010-05-02 16:49

Re: MicroB wont start after (leaked)PR1.2 RC flash
i'm loving the pr1.2 experience..

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