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gnuite 2007-03-12 07:48

Maemo Mapper Repositories
Due to the growing number of map repositories that are compatible with Maemo Mapper, I decided to create a thread that would aggregate them and keep them up-to-date.

To use one, tap-and-hold on the link and copy the link address to the clipboard, then paste it into Maemo Mapper. Many of these repositories are also available by simply selecting the "Download..." button in the "Manage Repositories" dialog box in Maemo Mapper itself.

The following is a set of working repositories that you can use for Maemo Mapper:

Google Maps (street)

Google Maps (street) (alternative)

Google Maps (satellite)

Google Maps (terrain)

Virtual Earth (street)

Virtual Earth (satellite)

Virtual Earth (hybrid)

Yahoo Maps (street)

Yahoo Maps (satellite)

OpenStreetMap - Traditional "Mapnik"

OpenStreetMap - Developmental "Osmarender"

Terraserver USA (WMS)
(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)
(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)
(Thanks, gregrenda.) (WMS)
(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)

These repositories contain transparency and are thus ideal for use as layers on top of the above repositories.

Google Traffic

Google Labels
(use with Google Satellite or Google Terrain for labels for cities, roads, etc., i.e. "Hybrid" maps.)

U.S. Weather Overlay (WMS)

Legal: These repositories are for demonstration purposes only. Please use them at your own risk, since their use may be restricted or even illegal for use with Maemo Mapper. I cannot be held responsible for anyone's use of these URL formats.

gnuite 2007-03-12 07:52

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
P.S. As soon as I can figure out MIME on the 770/N800, I will release a version of Maemo Mapper that will allow you to click on a link to set up a repository, so you don't have to copy/paste the URLs. Kinda like the .install files for the 770/N800's Application Manager. When that feature is added, I will add links to the above post to allow you to do that.

gregrenda 2007-03-13 19:52

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Another useful repository for pilots that serves aviation charts:

nspeer 2007-03-15 19:08

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by gnuite (Post 38686)
Due to the growing number of map repositories that are compatible with Maemo Mapper, I decided to create a thread that would aggregate them and keep them up-to-date.

The following is a set of working repositories that you can use for Maemo Mapper:

Google Maps (street)

Google Maps (satellite)

Virtual Earth (street)

Virtual Earth (satellite)

Virtual Earth (hybrid)

OpenStreetMap - Traditional "Mapnik"

OpenStreetMap - Developmental "Osmarender"

Terraserver USA (WMS)
(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)

What is meant by this: "(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)"
What is 'proj' and how is it installed?

gnuite 2007-03-15 19:38

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by nspeer (Post 39308)
What is meant by this: "(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)"
What is 'proj' and how is it installed?

"proj" stands for "projection" and it is a command-line application that Maemo Mapper uses when it needs to transform from one projection to another. It is only needed for WMS repositories (like the Terraserver one), because they use a different projection from the others.

You can install the proj package from the same repository from which you installed Maemo Mapper. Here is a link that will install it:

joeo 2007-03-17 15:32

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
HTML Code:

OpenStreetMap - Developmental "Osmarender"

Terraserver USA (WMS)
(Note: WMS URL formats requires the installation of proj.)

1) What do I use in place of the "..." in the above URL's? If I leave the "...", I get an error message in mapper.

2) Will I get the same Route, regardless of the map url I use?

Thank you!

gnuite 2007-03-17 20:11

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by joeo (Post 39626)
1) What do I use in place of the "..." in the above URL's? If I leave the "...", I get an error message in mapper.

The "..." is just a side effect of the forum's display of URL links. Just tap-and-hold a URL and copy the URL to the clipboard. Then paste into Maemo Mapper.


Originally Posted by joeo (Post 39626)
2) Will I get the same Route, regardless of the map url I use?

Yes; the downloaded route is dependent on the URL listed at the top of the "Download Route" dialog box. (It is usually never changed.)

kempja 2007-03-19 10:20

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by kempja (Post 38970)
Gnuite, cracking update!

Do you think ViaMicelin maps will upload - they are cartographically pleasing on the eye and easy to glance at to check progress on a journey

here's a link and an example of the HTML script:

<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

Also from the other week I have had some joy in extracting the MSR MapCruncher ( derived tiles and restoring/naming/filing them with shell script from the XML file, but as yet only for small areas ~ 15km x15 km; it slightly mandraulic, but I will tidy it up.

I realised that I should have posted that here. Anyone any idea whether a URL can be deciphered from the above for Michelin Maps? - they have good coverage of Europe....


gnuite 2007-03-19 17:33

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories

Originally Posted by kempja (Post 39852)
I realised that I should have posted that here. Anyone any idea whether a URL can be deciphered from the above for Michelin Maps? - they have good coverage of Europe....


Not without making modifications to Maemo Mapper. I investigated ViaMichelin's website, and its PNG files are accessed using complex, encoded URLs that look something like this:

The part after the semicolon presumably identifies a bitmap (254x254 pixels, which is weird). Now, the website uses javascript, and although it's heavily obfuscated, in theory the algorithm for generating one of those identifiers is buried somewhere in that javascript code. The same algorithm could be used in Maemo Mapper to translate between lat/lon and ViaMichelin's codified ID, but I'm not really motivated enough to sift through the mounds of javascript.

By the way, if you ever come across an online map that you'd like to use in Maemo Mapper, I am always open to the possibility of adding new types of URLs. All you need to give me is an easy way to map a Maemo Mapper coordinate (x, y, zoom) into the URL. Most URLs have their own quirky style of encoding, some of them more obfuscated than others. For example, Google Maps Satellite uses a qrst-encoded quadtree URL, whereas Virtual Earth uses a 0123-encoded quadtree URL, so the code in Maemo Mapper to handle each is similar, just tweaked slightly for each source.

Firefox has this great utility for spying on exactly what images a website pulls in. For example, go to Google Maps and use the "Tools | Page Info" menu item in Firefox. The "Media" tab contains a list of all media pulled in by the page, including images. In the case of Google Maps, there are a bunch of ""-style URLs that reveal exactly the URL format that Google Maps uses to retrieve its bitmaps. This is how Maemo Mapper first came into being.

Back in the olden days, MapQuest didn't even have an AJAX-ified website, so you couldn't use the "Page Info" trick used for Google Maps. Nowadays, however, MapQuest uses a completely different URL format. When you use Firefox's Page Info tool, you see a bunch of URLs like "", where "ScaleXXXXX" maps somewhat to Google Maps's "zoom=" variable, and the "5" and "2" map to the X and Y coordinates of the map.

So, it might be possible to write an algorithm that translates "5, 2, 29337258" into Maemo Mapper's "x, y, zoom" format. Unfortunately, I think MapQuest uses a projection other than Mercator, and the scales don't cleanly match between Mercator and MapQuest, which makes it difficult, perhaps even impossible, to use in Maemo Mapper. It just takes some investigation...

P.S. kempja: would you mind removing the "script" code from your post, or at least break it up into smaller lines? It causes the page to render poorly in most browsers.

joeo 2007-03-19 17:49

Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
HI Gnuite,

Would it be possible to use the Mapquest "Routing File" in mapper?

The reason I ask is that I have done some routes in mapper (same as Google Earth) and Mapquest.
"For me", the Mapquest routes are much better.
One of the routes I did in Mapquest is the actual route I take to pick up my grandchildren from school.:) Again, I stress "for me".

Thank you!

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