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scomic55 2010-05-09 08:50

Lemmingball Z for N900
Does anyone think it would be possible to port this game onto the N900?

I think it would work pretty well on the phone.

Any thoughts?

Fargus 2010-05-09 08:57

Re: Lemmingball Z for N900

Originally Posted by scomic55 (Post 650229)
Does anyone think it would be possible to port this game onto the N900?

I think it would work pretty well on the phone.

Any thoughts?

The hardware specifications are quite hi end compared to the N900 hardware. The hardware requirements list only ATi and NVidia cards as compatible and the graphics library used is OpenGL 2 whereas we have OpenGL ES 2 on the N900 which is less powerful. Maybe it's worth asking the author if he would support the N900?

F2thaK 2010-05-09 09:15

Re: Lemmingball Z for N900

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