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kubaysi 2010-05-11 15:32

the GPS is not accurate..!
hi all..
since i bought my N900, 3 months ago, i've noticed the GPS in not accurate at all!
what i'm getting the assumed location is far from the real location with around 700 meters, mostly to the NORTH direction..
this still happening even after i've updated the nokia maps & i've downloaded the maps (to avoid being connected all the time).
& it's not only with ovi maps, but with any program i install related to the GPS & location.

any suggestion or advice pls..

Tinnet 2010-05-11 15:37

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Wait for pr 1.2, its accurate within 5-10 meters for me (leaked pr 1.2)

Blaizzen 2010-05-11 15:41

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Usually my GPS picks me up several hundred meters away also, but after I move a bit, It gets an accurate signal. If you open the status menu, and look at the GPS button, it'll say how good the signal is ("Fine Accuracy" is the best, with "Course accuracy" being a rough estimate)

Joorin 2010-05-11 15:44

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
Depending on which mode you run the GPS in, you get different levels of accuracy.

There is a table on the wiki describing this:

And for what it's worth, I used the GPS in a car going at 130km/h getting really good accuracy (within 10m) with OVIMaps.

bachagabriel 2010-05-11 15:48

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
You can get your position using the Data connection on your cellphone which is not very accurate. It is a triangulation of your data signal.

You can also get a fix when your cellphone connects to GPS satellites which is very accurate.

When it says coarse accuracy, your phone got a fix using the data connection and when it says fine accuracy, you're connected to satellites

Also, having a data connection will allow you to connect to satellites way faster

grog 2010-05-11 15:56

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by Tinnet (Post 653666)
Wait for pr 1.2, its accurate within 5-10 meters for me (leaked pr 1.2)

I look forward to that. While walking on bridges my GPS always shows me in the water. Makes me nervous :).

Joorin 2010-05-11 16:04

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by grog (Post 653707)
I look forward to that. While walking on bridges my GPS always shows me in the water. Makes me nervous :).

I do wonder how an update of the firmware would be able to affect the GPS. It's still the same hardware in there and you'd still get the same data from it.

Claiming that accuracy increased with 1.2 sounds dubious, if not even a case of self-delusion.

geneven 2010-05-11 16:21

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
The gps is noticeably better with the leaked version. I haven't checked the accuracy specifically.

Oposum 2010-05-11 19:09

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!
@Joorin: Same hardware, same data input? So what about a new piece of software, which pr 1.2 is obviously? Sometimes it is all about algorithms and processing the input. Just wait and then give the pr1.2 a try. I hope it will bring a better accuracy.

cheungs 2010-05-11 19:40

Re: the GPS is not accurate..!

Originally Posted by kubaysi (Post 653660)
hi all..
since i bought my N900, 3 months ago, i've noticed the GPS in not accurate at all!
what i'm getting the assumed location is far from the real location with around 700 meters, mostly to the NORTH direction..
this still happening even after i've updated the nokia maps & i've downloaded the maps (to avoid being connected all the time).
& it's not only with ovi maps, but with any program i install related to the GPS & location.

any suggestion or advice pls..

Where are you using it? There are bug reports written up against the inaccuracy of Ovi Map in the greater China area.

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