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gm_w 2010-05-18 14:55

how to view .bmp and other picture files?
i found the current image viewer is lacking some serious features. first, it is not capable of showing bmp files. it can show thr thumbnails, but can't show the picture full screen. Mediabox is also unable to read bmp files.

second, for some jpegs, image viewer is unable to show both thumbnail or full screen jpegs. mediabox is able to see them however.

so how do i see bmp files on n900. i seriously hope bmp is supported.

cddiede 2010-05-18 15:01

Re: how to view .bmp and other picture files?
I've never had problems viewing JPEG files in the Image viewer, but I've been absolutely mystified at the lack of support for bitmap and animated gifs in the stock image viewer.

I realize that the browser can handle most if not all of these formats, but that doesn't really excuse the lack of functionality from the default image viewing application.

gm_w 2010-05-18 15:08

Re: how to view .bmp and other picture files?
so how do i open bmp filed in maemo browser? is there an easy way to view thru large number of bmps?

9000 2010-05-18 15:11

Re: how to view .bmp and other picture files?
apt-get install quiver

hardkorek 2010-05-18 15:32

Re: how to view .bmp and other picture files?
You may install easy debian and open it via Gimp

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