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afaq 2010-05-21 10:39

N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
Kick stand magnet came off

Has anyone else had this problem? I use the kickstand often to rest it on my desk when im browsing the web etc but recently I discovered the kick stand would come loose as i was carrying it. I panicked and figured I had broken something but on closer inspection saw that there are actually two small pieces of magnets glued on to the kick stand.
One on the kick stand itself and one on the N900 base where the kick stand rests.

Luckily for me the kick stand magnet had "stuck" itself to the n900 magnet. When I got home i used some super glue and carefully re-attached the magnet back in place. I felt rather amateurish doing this and realised if i had lost this small magnet I would have to:

a) super glue the whole kickstand permanently in place or
b) return the phone and hope nokia help (dont think warranty would cover this).

Anyone else experienced this?

ToJa92 2010-05-21 10:41

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
IIRC others have had this problem aswell, but their magnets actually fell out and disappeared. The best would be if the magnets actually was inside the plastic, and not exposed in that way. I think the glue or w/e Nokia used isn't very strong.

kevinm2k 2010-05-21 10:50

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
This happened to me a while back but unfortunately my magnet disappeared, its not broken or nothing, its fine it does the job, but it is a lil loose. Anyone know where I can get a titchy little magnet to fit in there???

rohityes 2010-06-13 17:15

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
mines broken too !!!:confused::mad::eek:

mattball686 2010-06-18 21:34

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
it also stops the memory card working

festivalnut 2010-06-18 21:44

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
i imagine some cheap tacky fridge magnets, the kind that come in cereal packets, would be thin enough to cut to shape and glue in. the smaller kickstand magnet isn't as much of an issue (does anyone even use the kickstand? may as well be glued shut!) but if the magnet on the cover goes your memory card stops working. this magnet is how the phone recognises the back cover is attached, and if it doesn't register your n900 will assume you're about to whip out the microsd at any second and won't load it.

inidrog 2010-06-18 21:52

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
One of my magnets was loose when i first opened the N900 box for the first time. It was the one at the base. I first glued it with superglue, but it came off again the next day. I glued it again with another sort of glue thats not the thin fluid super glue type that gets hard as glass when it dries. This was November. I have not had any other HW problems, and the magnet is still there.

crxtodd16 2010-08-20 17:31

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
My magnet on the stand itself fell off and now it's gone. I always use the kickstand and I'm annoyed as hell that I can't fix it. Nokia warranty says that it does not cover physical damage... I'm assuming that they won't cover this. I really don't want to have my phone out for a week+, paying for shipping, and to not have them fix it. Any ideas? I was thinking about just buying a whole new back panel.

EDIT: Went ahead and just bought a "new" panel off ebay.. Here's the link.

I'll take some pics of how it looks when I get it.

crxtodd16 2010-09-05 23:05

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
Alright, just now got the cover (it took so long because i had it sent to my parent's house, and i don't go there very often).

Everything looks great. Both magnets are in place, it snaps in perfectly, and the camera lense cover clicks open and closed very nicely. All in all, a worthwhile purchase, IMO.

Here are the pics, the biggest difference i see is the thickness of the lense cover.....



And here's a comparison of the back... (old on bottom, new on top)

Hope this helps anyone else who runs into the same problem...

pcerf 2010-09-05 23:20

Re: N900 Kickstand Magnet Broken
mine came loose my display doesn't seemed to be glued perfectly to the phone in the area where the clock is shown. i can feel and hear how the display touches the background when i press there.

i like my n900 but i dont think it will last all that long...with people also complaining that their usb sockets came i have already sent it in once since the fm transmitter wasnt working :(

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