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archimonde 2010-05-28 12:58

how to connect eduroam on n900

i want to connect eduroam. But i cant.

my university's eduroam connection ssid name is eduroam. When i trying to connect eduroam, asks WEP key. So i go to the settings->internet connections, then connections. i selected new, and next,next. it asks scan for available wi-fi networks. i selected yes. then i selected eduroam. it asks wep key. i entered qwert. And finished.

After that, i selected which i recently created and clicked edit. i clicked next and here is security method. i turned it WEP to WPA with EAP.

and i made other settings.

But still when i trying to connect eduroam it asks WEP password. Why it doesnt use settings?

i wish i could tell my problem.


aeon 2010-05-28 13:25

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
I have eduroam working in my N900. My settings are:

SSID: eduroam

Network mode: Infrastructure
Security method: WPA with EAP

EAP type: PEAP

Select Certificate: None
EAP method: EAP MSCHAPv2

User name: ...@...

Now, very important, go to Advanced -> EAP tab

Use manual user name: checked
Manual user name: ...@... (same as User name)

archimonde 2010-05-28 14:50

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
Ok, i setup this settings.

but when i trying to connect it asks WEP password.

but i set up settings about this ssid.

hydr0g3n 2010-05-28 14:53

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
I tried exactly the same settings as you but it does not work here.

Even though I configure it properly in "Settings > Connections", whenever I select the "eduroam" network in the connection manager its asks again for the settings...

PradaBrada 2010-05-28 15:00

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
same problem here

I asked the tech support guy at my uni and he said the phone needs EAP method: PAP, which isn't selectable lol

I did find a method somewhere on the web which activates it via the terminal, but cba to find it again and try

aeon 2010-05-28 15:19

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
For me the problem was in the advanced settings. But i think different universities use different eduroam configurations.
You must check what is the configuration for your University, for mine it's described here

Also i didn't try PR1.2, only the previous one.

tripmckay 2010-05-28 15:31

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
You might want to look into this bug report:

Specifically for PR1.2 Janne Ylälehto from Nokia has written a small Qt app which enables the "hidden" PAP support:

hydr0g3n 2010-05-28 20:58

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
aeon > My University is actually using the same settings as yours (WPA - PEAP - MSChap v2). Before reading your post, I did not think of activating manual username setting. However, enabling it and inputing the correct username does not help here.

One difference is that I'm using PR 1.2 already.

magdesh 2010-06-15 17:54

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900

Originally Posted by aeon (Post 685619)
I have eduroam working in my N900. My settings are:

SSID: eduroam

Network mode: Infrastructure
Security method: WPA with EAP

EAP type: PEAP

Select Certificate: None
EAP method: EAP MSCHAPv2

User name: ...@...

Now, very important, go to Advanced -> EAP tab

Use manual user name: checked
Manual user name: ...@... (same as User name)

it works! you have to go to settings -> internet connections, and then create a profile there for the network name. Remember, the name must be exactly the same!

extechop 2010-08-23 12:41

Re: how to connect eduroam on n900
Sorry, I don't think I can help you with the specifics of your problem, but here's a dump of the settings I have for working eduroam in my "Internet connections":

Connection name: Eduroam
Connection type: WLAN
Network name (SSID): eduroam
Network is hidden: [ ]
Network mode: Infrastructure
Security method: WPA with EAP
EAP type: PEAP
Select certificate: None
EAP method: EAP MSCHAPv2
Username: (my username with domain)
Password: (my password)
Prompt password at every login: [ ]
Use manual user name: [×]
Manual user name: (my username with domain)
Require client authentication: [ ]

The one problem with this setup I have is that the "use manual user name" bit is really needed for it to work, but it means that the N900 never automatically connects to Eduroam, you have to manually connect. And if you drop out of WLAN range or something, you'll get switched back to phone network until you again manually connect. It'd be cool if someone who understood EAP could eliminate this problem, is it a "feature" of the N900 implementation?

Edit: found out that the non-connectivity is Bug 3399

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